Anne Salve Women

The Greatest Applause Comes From Within

I get to hit the gym at work. Frank, an incredible PE teacher and coach who has always reminded me that everyday is a “present”, placed all these inspiring articles and pictures of former students who have made marks in this world. Several of those articles happen to be of my own children. If I may divulge a confession, see it as a weakness or strength, I hold no concern of reading back to those articles as I was there, having journeyed those moments, understanding first hand the remarkable milestones my dearest husband fearlessly parted through with immense focus and faith. On another wall, however, I hold an everlasting memory that is dearest to my heart.

I learned that one of my, at that time, student, Ethan, had been working hard to beat my oldest son’s pull-ups record that was hung-up in the fitness room. This student had been trying for some time and I know it meant everything to him to beat my son’s record. I knew no one else more to motivate Ethan than the one person who held that record. So, I made the only natural request from my Division I college son- I asked him to come down to the weight room during Ethan’s class to help Ethan beat his record. 

Ethan did beat that record, but with Ares right by his side. That record still stands strong up there today, with Ethan’s name, no longer Ares’. Ares has won countless challenges, awards, accolades, ranked 1st academically in middle school, president both middle school and high school, won countless District competitions before becoming state and academic champion in high school, graduating top 10 in his class. His ceaseless discipline and devotion forged him a great path. This one humbling act Ares did may have erased his name on one chart, but it is the one chart that when I look up and see Ethan’s name, I truly see Ares’ name in gold in my heart. Ares was a hero for my student, Ethan, not just a champion. I know no one will see Ares’ name up on that Pull-Ups chart anymore, but I do- every time. And I know that when Ethan ever comes back to look at his name, he will see Ares’, too. No other audience matters. 

I have a sign on my classroom window facing out, “In the presence or absence of an audience, the greatest applause comes from within.”  Life is not just about asking for what’s next, but who to help take your place as you pave greater paths.

What silent victories have you done or someone has helped you achieve? It’s okay to let it out here. 

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