Anne Salve Women

A Stumble: What It Is and What It Is Not

There are those who may argue that being around certain mindsets and behaviors don’t have an effect on their choices or viewpoints. This very much could be possible in that I see both my husband and I not becoming the product of our environment. However, thankfully we’ve both come to the understanding and gratitude also that had it not been for those moments in life where we did get exposed to other surroundings, other circles, we perhaps would have become the very makeup of what we heard or had seen- nothing more.

Tying into my video under the same title, through my own journey in life, I have arrived to understand and embrace several stumbles. I am happy to share that while the latter two below will identify what a stumble is not, the first two I share will have been the very fortunate discovery that helped me to make it to keep on each time the thought entered my mind, heart, and spirit that perhaps I shouldn’t or couldn’t.

A stumble is a PAUSE. When all of a sudden, what seemed to be moving comes to a suddden or momentary stop, understandably we are dismayed, disappointed or panic-stricken. However, relax in the moment you find yourself facing. Breathe in, breathe out, and let go of any dark thoughts trying to enter your mind, heart, body, and spirit. You stumbled upon an opportunity to pause upon your steps to get to the next milestone. It is a time where we can say to ourselves, ‘What’s going on here? Why have we seemingly come to a stop?’ This is a time to recheck within the pause. At whatever speed you were going, you need not go further if you are just haphazardly checking off whatever is on your list. Take advantage of that moment where you are able to ask yourself, ‘How are you doing?’ And if a voice tells you there are things you need to fix before you should move further- whether it be your position, attitude, mentality, or emotions, be thankful to have the time to fix whatever it may be that needs tending to and address it before you move on. After all, is it quantity you are going for in life or quality?

A stumble is a REDIRECTION. Why keep going if you are headed in the wrong direction? Who wants to look back several years from now and think, ‘I should have stopped a long time ago.’ ? Just because there is forward movement doesn’t mean the path you’ve taken is one to keep pursuing if you knew several steps behind, you lost focus or vision. It’s one thing to keep falling forward as long as you know that up ahead is what you’ve envisioned to arrive to from the time you even learned to dream or have an aspiration. It’s yet a very sad mindset to believe that when what you’re seeing around you is not what you anticipated of being surrounded in and yet continue to go forth because dreams and aspirations are being compromised by a shorter path, somewhat easier challenge, or escape. When you stumble upon this predicament, it’s simply time to stop and turn around. Go back to where you knew you were in the right direction. Get out of this path fast.

A stumble is NOT THE END. Why in the world do we have tomorrow? Simply because while we were giving it our all today, we have that mental relief to say to ourselves, ‘Even if I don’t get to where I’d like to be today, I have tomorrow to keep trying.’ When you tell yourself that you have come to an end, that means you didn’t get to see tomorrow. Plain and simple. Otherwise, you chose to call today an end. Why so? Because you tricked yourself into believing that you have no more to give of yourself? That no matter how hard you’ve tried, how many days, weeks, months, years you’ve tried to have better outcome, all seemed to be getting worse? So, you finally say to yourself, ‘I’ve given it my all and I simply can’t go on thinking that this will ever come to change.’ If that is your choice, then I do believe no one else can make you see different. You have chosen to see the end of all your tries.

A stumble is NOT A FAILURE. Only those who have surrendered in their own lives will ever perceive a stumble to be a failure. Hence, you may be surrounded by people around you who look at you as a failure or have even spoken such words- this is the mindset speaking from experience of attitude, not mere reality. And even if they did call you or see you as one who has failed, how is this to affect what you believe a stumble to be? Just because others look upon you with pity or disappoint, does that truly make you pitiful or disappointing? Are you now saying to yourself that you no longer can get back up and rise again? Even more, will you just then join those who have learned only to fail at their own endeavors and find comfort in such a circle of the dark, empty, and unfulfilled? Is this your now newest arrival of satisfaction? Is this you? If so, get comfortable and cozy with the many who surrendered to believe such.

What you allow yourself to believe is solely upon your own acceptance of moments you have found yourself to have stumbled in life. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to truly determine what it is YOU allow yourself to perceive to be true. While we found ourselves to be encompassed by certain beliefs and perspectives as a child, the truth of the matter is, you are no longer that same child where you can hold yourself free of accountability for the thoughts and actions you uphold. If you have found yourself to feel like a failure or that all has come to an end, take a moment to pause and recheck, stumble upon those thoughts and actions- is there not tomorrow to try again? Pause. Recheck. Redirect. Failure is an acceptance. The end is a choice.

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