Anne Salve Women

a woman wearing a black hijab

AGI: For Now, General Until Super

Artificial General Intelligence.

General until superhuman. How do we ever get there? Venture capitalists acting as the angels to provide the fuel so the drivers in belief can keep pushing the team of workers with direction to all arrive to the celebration. 

That’s my analogy, at least.

The anticipated official co-head of D.O.G.E. suggests the superhuman will be achieved in just several years. Based off his success rate, one can peaceably concur.

Why we will be celebrating, as humans, technological advancement for our amusement and hopefully, help and convenience, will be central to reason.

 A proposed 10-20% of, I’m putting in my way, regret, we unstoppably race to the finish to receive credit to be the first irregardless of the daunting consequences.

To build a duplicate of us, with less breakdown and error.

There is nothing wrong with believing what we see can happen.

In seeing Star Trek and Star Wars, I have professed to myself in my youth that whatever can be thought to exist, someone has already planted to only take place in time for all to witness.

Celebrate and celebrate some more. 

When a problem arises from what has surfaced, our next challenge will be to address that next milestone. For now, with the Zeitgeist embrace, we focus on how we resolve current challenges. 

Opposition shall continue. Where there is an action, there is a reaction. 

It is not that a bullet train does not initially exist in a valley to connect two major cities, or cars to begin to share the sky, and human microchip implants to connect thoughts with desired actions. It is that when there are those in opposition do not see your idea to be in agreement with theirs, the project simply can be overthrown, slowed down, or placed on hold.

Movement happens in a certain direction of which gets most pushed, that force equaling mass times acceleration thing.

I think back to reading how Einstein tried to warn other enthusiasts about the anomalies of what eventually became the atomic bomb. 

The atomic bomb, as we know, came to existence, nuclear weaponry now a standing warning where in the event that territorial threat should push to reactive discomfort. 

That notion that if we don’t make it, someone else will, just simply makes sense whether we dislike the mindset or not. 

If developing to win, one focuses and aims to take first. I have yet to see a person putting up two fingers in the air to proudly celebrate second place. That universal #1 has solely monopolized such merit. 

Innately, we are driven to move forward and ahead. We, as in the few that do with the forces of: belief (mass), drive (acceleration), and push (energy in the same direction). 

The rest watch or try and stop movement.

Where there is an action, there is a reaction. Forces working against each other- always.

Forces fighting against forces. Always.

If we all stopped to listen to one another, no matter what language now we speak, our forefathers would laugh perhaps at all of us, their offspring, suggesting that, Ecclesiastically, nothing is new under the sun. 

Could it be that as Einstein proposed, we would plausibly return back to sticks and stones for future opposition? 

If we can neither confirm or deny imminent danger in the skies today, which direction are we feeling safe to be closest to at this time?

That, I wonder. 

If we suggest a possibility of creating something that could be our own greatest regret and yet, we still forego the risk, who will be able to stop the driven?

Think AI built at its finest. What does one need to be better and excel further?

I think of this like my students. With my own children, I have reminded them that they wake up gifted with what many already inherently lack.

This, while many see as fortune, is a great responsibility to not only manifest to its finest at best, but to help others around who lack the very same, what is to you, natural resources.

And, yet, we compete, bickering at one another as we go, all to lack something.

That superhuman in order out of desire to become.

I ask and have sparingly discussed (not by choice, but opportunity) what is to still be resolved with artificial intelligence. Hence, its positioned state to still be general and not yet super.

In what I call my journeys, my training days, I have learned one important mindset to figure out what it is I am trying to understand: their thought process, not mine.

As soon as I look into the eyes of another, I immediately try and read what they see to be missing in them in reflection of what they analyze to be missing in me.

I honestly have only arrived to train myself in this manner in recalling even in my earliest recollections, adults always praising me for my youth while I couldn’t wait to be the oldest with long silvery hair- everyone respectfully coming to for words of wisdom.

Since then, I find I can only motivate others to do better and be better by already supposing what they think to be missing in them. 

Own your flaws; don’t let them own you.

Give people time and before you know it, their dissatisfactions of self will begin to reveal themselves.

So, I think, the way I try and master empowering those around me (in my opinion, the greatest opposition to enslavement of the heart, mind, body, and spirit), is by suggesting there is no excuse, but to succeed.

Having strengthened this within me the first time in reading We Do Things Differently by Stevenson, I know there is always a way.

However, while I truly believe in isolation (as a wife, mother, teacher- being alone for an extended period of time is so preciously scarce), one can generate their full power to know and understand their maximized, able capacity, that superhuman thing is flawed within its own scope of fundamental understanding.

It is not that the artificial general intelligence is trying to be like that of a human species; it is that the very kind is trying to be just as super as we have tried to become ourselves. 

Why else create something if we already have it?

So, I laugh to myself in times of challenge. There is no one to fight my own battles, but what is already within me. This, I am gifted to control.

How do I propose to pursue?

Well, be SUPERHUMAN first. lol.

So, I ask under the mindset of an AI this question: what does it take for an ai to be superhuman – Google Search

Here is that response:

Superhuman AI is an AI system that can outperform humans at a wide range of tasks. However, strong AI, which is the term used to describe an AI that has the same or greater intelligence than humans, is still a controversial concept and does not yet exist. 

Here are some things to consider when thinking about what it would take for an AI to be superhuman:

  • Tasks
    What is considered a task? For example, can anything a human does be considered a task? 
  • Cognitive processes
    The underlying cognitive processes of AI and humans are fundamentally different. 
  • Related tasks
    Just because an AI can exceed human ability at one task, it doesn’t mean it can do all related work at a human level. 
  • Open-ended AI
    Open-ended AI systems are designed to keep learning and improving on their own, similar to how evolution works in nature. 

Some examples of how superhuman AI could be useful include:

  • Finding new drugs by understanding how compounds that were unsuccessful for one illness might be effective for another 
  • Seeing that a mathematical problem in one area of science was previously solved in another 
  • Finding correlations in data that no one had previously considered 

I laugh in celebration because in reading the response I think, This sounds as if in hopes to be better than ourselves, we work to birth something better than us! And yet, the AI looks upon humans to yet be beatable.. 

It’s that young child wanting to have wisdom of the old and the old wanting back their youth thing! 

In preparation to understand that which is trying to understand me, I ask the unthinkable: what does it take for a superhuman to be an ai – Google Search

I said the unthinkable because in response I received back…


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