Anne Salve Women

brown fountain pen

Dear Jimmy, the Architect

In times of unwarranted incidents, assume nothing as coincidence foremost, more costly to choose gullibility and think the latter. 

To rule out all plausibilities, we must analytically scrutinize any tragic incident to conclude accidental, intentional, or, inevitable due to negligence?

Let me be a fly on the wall who can be heard thinking out loud to suggest the following:

In the recent unfortunate crash of Black Hawk and Airline 5342, reading, watching and listening to audio and video follow-ups, as I couldn’t help but, for my sake, dissect long ago the Myths of 9/11, I am inclined to regurgitate some thoughts in no particular order:

*The confusion of whether or not airline craft, Flight 5342, was mistakenly identified as another airline craft under several reports (the most immediately descriptive simulated report I reviewed, Plane Crash with Black Hawk Helicopter Explained) strengthens the validity of other reports suggesting ongoing major congestion at this airport.

This 12th Aviation Batallion, three soldiers aboard, were on routine evacuation training, as I understand. With great honor for our dedicated soldiers protecting our country, I am drawn to believe that three pairs of eyes wearing night binoculars may not have been enough to peripherally cover all ranges within flight altitude.

Next, then, leads me to address flight level in question. 

200 feet and below is my understanding of where the Black Hawk should have been flying. The black box, I believe reports to have ranged under 400 feet upon collision. 

Although the military aircraft should have sustained itself 200 feet or below, my readings report to me that there have been other incidents where such occurrences of being higher than requisitions have taken place, creating near collisions in recent years.

How can and does this continue, I simply ask?

*Altimeter flaws?

Through my own curious findings, I understand that altimeters have inaccuracies.

Altimeters, when checked to be fully functioning, may have the fault of having rather a defective report at cold temperatures, affecting readings at 100 feet discrepancy. Yes?

I believe the reports suggest clear skies at around 50 degrees the night of the tragic crash. This, here, could null and void the altimeter at fault.

Unless, of course, altimeters can be tampered with from an outside source (I do believe we have around five thousand satellites to connect with now). 

*Under a conspiracy theorist mindset-since I allude to it, could this have been some miniaturized tampering of any electrical units? 

High altitude electromagnetic pulses, to my conjecture, could also be null and void here as the tragic impact was around 400 feet in altitude.

Thus, while the conspiracy theory kicks in that given the other recent tragedy in Philadelphia of another tragic aircraft exploding without collision which led to fatalities could suggest an ominous possibility of one who has possession of an evil controller to override transponders or that EMPS are melting away electrical units to trigger, I think- has anyone created some form of isolated energy to combust? In this case, mechanisms and wires should be checked to rule out any foul play there. 

*Herein, of course, is human error to include.

Let us accountably identify these errors within these micro scopes.





All can lead to increase one terrible human flaw, carelessness. 

How do we eliminate or decrease our percentage rate of ill-precision and imperfection?

We are innately reactive but in dire need to proactively follow the play book, “the best offense is defense”.

Encryptions are necessary to overtake or overrule any foreseen foul play. While it may be inevitable that there will be something beyond us, if not, already, testing our alertness and readiness to be reactive, there can be the necessary  advantage of then, being proactive.

Identifying our human faults now must draw us to get to the level of understanding that unless we develop ourselves to think and be like an AI, whereas we will be able to switch off emotion and repair ourselves to be fully equipped with undisturbed, unwavering drive, we must transfer our believed incapabilities toward these machines to fulfill such tasks.

We must proactively complement our predispositions to simply falter. 

I see it as two choices for now, create our neurons to repair and automatically shut down or engage certain parts of our makeup or create one that can.

We are in a world where I do believe in what even Einstein had to embrace- that if we don’t build it, someone else will. 

I also believe that we are innately self-destructive because in a strange way, we starve for constant purpose, seeing that gate of opportunity within a challenge. 

Thus, when a problem is solved, we will simultaneously create another to then, solve that one.

Here are my final thoughts:

Could altimeters be altered from an outside source, creating flight level confusion?

Could this explain several reports of helicopters having flown above approved 200 feet restrictions?

Was the soldier reporting to have taken note of descending Flight 5342 in sight mistaken to have marked another aircraft ascending? 

If so, could terms “ascending” (other airline craft) and “descending” (Flight 5342) have been added during communication exchange between Pat 25 (Black Hawk) and TC helped?

Last but not least, has anyone scrambled to create the following I (Open Tably) suggest?

Let us, if we haven’t started already, to create a, what I’ll call an FT AI, in this case, fortune teller artificial intelligent air traffic control device, that can predict the trajectory and ascending/descending altitude level of any aircraft so that 99.9% (even AIs, as I have found, have not reached absolute certainty) of the time, we are most certain of any moving device in the air to never collide?

Have we not created a device that can predict any incoming obstacle to hit earth coming at us from a distance?

Have we not succeeded in doing the same underwater?

While we can only predict and project, why can we not create a simulated device that can determine ahead of time any combustion or collision to take place?

If there are devices to mathematically conjecture velocity given distance, location, and time, why not have a device to prophetically, in a sense, do the same for aircraft?

How do we, still to this time era, have accidents that lead to losing innocent lives from youth to those in their last years of embracing life’s pleasures?

One life lost to such preventative measures is one too much.

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