Anne Salve Women

shirtless boy doing a handstand in the rain

You Want to Laugh. You Want to Dance.

You want to laugh. You want to dance like a child again. But you, simply by world’s manipulations, have learned to do the contrary?

When did it become not okay to laugh?

When did you stop playing the music?

Is it not most powerful to be vulnerable? And yet, is it not what we’ve learned to fear most? To be vulnerable. Because in being such, at most, in peace, fearless by fortitude of essentially letting go of what we cannot control, our kindness and goodness is mistaken for weakness?

Have we tried to then, harden our hearts, shield our spirits, keep alert our minds, so that our bodies stand guarded? 

By letting go of our vulnerabilities, has that taken away or eliminated any further attacks? 

Will not evil come? Is not evil here? Has not evil lurked among us all? 

Have you forgotten the armor you have been given? 

The belt of truth; the breastplate of righteousness; the shoes of the gospel of peace; the shield of faith; the helmet of salvation; and the sword of the spirit?

Have you become drained in power, security, or emotions due to inflictions, you stand so guarded, never in deep sleep or standing while watching your back at all times?

Are we instilled with fear that as we rebuild any torn down walls with one hand we must equip ourselves with a weapon on the other? Did we not receive thus, the training to understand there are those who will first mock you, ridicule you, attempt in every way to make you think you will never accomplish what you hope and aim for just to discourage you?

And when the walls start to become rebuilt even when someone managed to tear them down sometime before, will there, are not there, those who try to get in the way so you don’t actually succeed, even as far as to cast lies about you to others to strengthen their intentions of weakening you?

Once the walls are rebuilt, did you not manage to also rebuild all gates at the same time? Does this not mean that while the gates will allow you to step out, there will also be the knowledge and control of who to now let in?

Are you not stronger and wiser upon the journeys of pain, hurt, disappointments, and at deepest cuts, betrayal? Do you not know now who should be within the walls built? 

Were you not given every power to overcome at the moment you found yourself to be in the room full of others who believed in you and with you?

The walls can be up. This is understood. Have there been any walls built so high up to surpass the heavens where no man can climb over, however? 

Do your walls symbolize peace and tranquility or can others feel the trembles of your fears from the outside?

The walls are up, but have you truly won? While others are kept out, have you locked yourself in? 

Do you worry so much for anyone to break down your walls once again, you’ve turned down the music or have completely turned it off? Have you silenced everyone around you, afraid to not hear any intruders if they were to come lurking in? Have you forgotten the importance to celebrate and rejoice amidst past, present, and future attacks for your own sake and those who have stood by you?

While you succeeded in what others tried to stop you from ever accomplishing, how much of your soul and spirit did you barter?

Does your inner child believe you are at peace? Or, have you still to take out that inner child you sheltered? Have you somehow forgotten to take that inner child hidden in you from the hiding place where you said for them to sit and stay quiet? Does that inner child in you still tremble in fear, waiting for you to say it is now safe to come out?

Is that inner child in you still there, balled up in the dark, perhaps, still remaining still and quiet? Is that inner child still waiting for you to come back, to be pulled back out into the light? 

How long have you kept that inner child in darkness?

The walls are up, yes. There will be those who will be working to take it down. Yes. They may succeed. Yes. You have succeeded in rebuilding when they thought you couldn’t. Yes? Have you not succeeded in also keeping out those who cast doubt or wanted to stop you? Yes?

Turn down for what? (Yes. That spirit that ingeniously knows how to take it to DJ Snake and Lil Jon.) 

Can laughing and dancing, thus, continue, as we are filled with the inner powers within to strike if need be? Are you not always armored? 

There will be troubles for the mighty for one’s greatest victory is to take down the mightiest of all. While it may be your body last to take down, if ever, are you to barter your heart, mind, and spirit just to keep standing? 

Does a man who loses his soul truly become a victor at all?

There is noise. Yes. Lots of it at times. No doubt. Turn on that music and joy from the inside. Dance and laugh with your inner self. Listen to that inner voice that speaks to you. That child has seen and witnessed plenty, but, having gained lots of great wisdom along the way. You’ve protected its love for joy and innocence. Pull that child out. 

Laugh. Dance.

You know you were brought into this world for a purpose. It whispers in you. You know its truth. You may have to wait to full fruition. You may have to wonder when that will be. Learn to embrace the peace in the unknown. Your walls are up, but there is movement of rejoicing to be taken each day.

No one may fully understand why you dance amidst the fires. No one can hear your thoughts as you laugh out loud. Even if they did, why should this be the greatest matter? Why should it matter that anyone understand? Your inner voice, that word of the spirit is in you that needs you. Play its music loud. Listen to its jokes. 

Laugh. Dance. 

That inner voice is your growing self, but protected inner child of self-belief and self drive. That one most fearless when vulnerable. Let it come out and play amidst the storms of attack before that life of the child dies in the wait. 

The heart, mind, and spirit speak to your body. “Just keep laughing and dancing,” you hear the voice. Do. Do laugh. Do dance. No matter what day. 

The scenery is at times marvelous. Why are you not satisfied? Why the insatiable feeling as if you can’t feel the joy it is trying to bring you? 

The scenery is at times desolate. Should you feel empty from within? Is not the balance where one is empty, the other shall be full? If one is seemingly empty, are you not to see yourself full?

The scenery is at times nauseating. Could this be true only because you are looking at too many things at once instead of being directly focused on the moment? Would not anyone’s head be spinning from too many fixations?

You reap. You keep telling yourself to sow. You keep telling yourself, “Just one at a time.” Either one day, one moment, thousands of words spoken, but with only a few heard, you must still do your part with strength and agility.

Laugh. Dance.

The intent is good, always. You know you are good, good enough for today. You know you must keep training to be best. Not for anyone else. Not because anyone should like you better. You stopped that long ago when you knew there are those out there always looking to take YOU down. 

Laugh. Dance.

You tell yourself striving to excel should not lead you struggling or suffering. That’s the world filled with heaviness trying to have you carry some of their weight. You must be the reminder to everyone each have their own inner strength to overcome their own heaviness.

We each have this power.

Light as a feather, flat as a board. You used to play this game. A game, no more. 

You are light as a feather, flat as a board. You’ve trained for these moments.

Heaviness is real. You are not connected to any of it, however. 

You are light as a feather, flat as a board.

This is the you that must be witnessed by all. This is the you that you control. This is the you meant to be seen. Not for the eagle spreading its wings. Not for the lion standing by. Not for the calf that peacefully stands still. Not even for any other human face who already know their part. 

Those protect the throne; the throne you will face one day hoping to say, “In the midst of the storm, battles, and attacks, I trusted in you. I laughed and danced like a child.”

You are the destiny you withhold. Your challenge to complete your own destiny is each step you take. There is faith in every step. There must be, for at times night will fall and you must walk forward seeing only in your heart and led by the spirit, not by your eyes. 

The inner peace is simple, yet, can be seldom found. So much noise on this ground. There is desire to hear birds chirping even in the winters, singing in our ears innocence and joy. 

Our own hopes, simpler, wanting to find goodness around- that real goodness worth searching for a lifetime. That tiring journey to get to one who knows how to stop time with just a simple joke, a good laugh, a joyful tear in the eye.

You search, but sometimes it is just you. You tell yourself a joke. You laugh to yourself. Joyful tears are felt. You embrace your own self of wonderment. You embrace the goodness in you. That innocence that has been shielded from the world. You are at peace within. Within is where you are sheltered. There is quiet deep in there. Within.

So the noise continues. The people need more. They always do. Sometimes, more out of you. Insatiable not because we can’t get enough; insatiable because we may not actually know what is enough. 

When people haven’t arrived to self-fulfillment, how can satisfaction be known? And if they see that you seem so much closer to finding your own fulfillment, is it not fear in them to act to attack, hoping you never get to where they may never know?

There is fear creeping amongst every crevice, seeping through to enter the heart, mind, body, and spirit. Walls don’t need to be built to protect us from that if our hearts, minds, and spirits simply hear, read, take in, or worse, believe, any of the words spoken. 

The infiltration is not the breaking down of the walls; the infiltration is what we allow to get into that inner child within us. 

Lead the inner child out of you to laugh and dance. They can break down the walls again. This time you remember you are impenetrably armored.

“I am sorry. I am sorry for all this unnecessary. I want to just laugh and dance like you, child.”

Let the music play. Laugh and dance away. 

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