Anne Salve Women

photo of a woman jumped on obstacle

The Grapplings of Time Within Exchanges of Energy in Motion

It is of already lost time so, to ponder on every interaction to a point where one considers if each choice were truly invested at best requires selectivity of worth.

Wouldn’t it be consequently a breath of fresh air every time if because we chose wisely to be around the right energies, our choices would be trustfully good and sound without thought?

Perhaps tested and tried to have a different outcome than hoped, are we still not more in chance of reaping good when good rather than its counter is gathered and sown? 

Would we and have we not arrived to a blessed exhilaration upon knowing that what we planted blossomed into full fruition at harvest?

Especially to those who put in extra work than the rest around, dodging the doubts of faces and words of discouragement that what envisioned to arrive would not, the outcome of one’s sowing muffles out any noise at the moment and sight of victory’s grandeur.

The greatest sowers must faithfully trust in greatest returns.

Still, the greatest sowers have come to respect preparation for the unexpected, crafting out not only the plan, but how to handle the obstacles wanting to prevent any future endeavors to take form.

The cycle of life, within that imaginary circle, encompasses so much more than just seed, ground, sun, and water.

Mama used to tell me she learned from her grandmother to talk and sing to her plants. 

As baffling as this may be, in my entrance to my golden years, I realize there is so much more of an underlying message to such passed on words of wisdom, necessitating degrees beyond just things green.

Even when things are perfectly planted with the weather beautifully cooperating, there can be all of a sudden a wonder as to why the culmination of one’s hard work leads to imperfect, undesirable results.

If we were just machines, we could identify the errors and repeat time and time again until all arrive to the desired expectation.

Unlike a fruit, however, each of us cannot be easily discarded to start anew.

While fruition of our actions either are activated, dormant, or dead around us, we each are the motherboard actualities of time invested.

While we cannot guarantee our lifespan, we are granted endless options of what we could do with that nonreturnable gift, the present.

We are geared to actively go forth and deliver each of our purpose, the journey given to discover what we have individually been assigned to do, to become, to pass on.

Easy to turn on a systemized machine. Encryptions and codes in play to where either the commands lead to completion or a momentary fail.

The tinkering of parts could arrive to a wanted success. Machines and humans comparatively in sameness here.

If so easy, why have we yet to duplicate the super-intelligence we deem ourselves to superiorly possess, the apex of all given or made? 

What beholds in each of us that our mechanical counterparts have yet to unquestionably fine-tune?


To which I’ve contrived as energy in motion, I convey my thoughts as if we have balls of fire going in all directions as time continues to pass us by, challenging to fundamentally and then, multidimensionally duplicate. 

I think of the movie, Sherlock Holmes, starring Robert Downey Jr., of my favorite scene, where before his defensive attack, a slow-motion of his every planned move is depicted. 

To controllably envision every reactive move to a given action- that which can only lead one such as me to be so fascinated by such ability!


Only because I exclaim at the perfection of such scene, the silenced applause of the audience in awe, seeing everyone else scripted to articulately be taken down by what all just saw ahead to take place.

Solomon had wisdom. To me, foreseeing every move before execution is discernment exemplified at best! 

While it would be my granted ask to acquire the ability to discern right from wrong direction of purpose, to dissect every move prior to the actuality would be the ultimate. 

So, I laugh in silence as I know I have yet to be granted in my training days what I suppose I can call now as the Sherlock Holmes superpower.

Without such superpower, we are left to just keep reacting. In fact, I would like to think all our actions are reactions to prior encounters no matter the distance between.

If we were to simply think about our every move, to stop and reflect takes away from the focus on what lies ahead. 

One must keep their eyes on the road.


How many of us have actually missed an exit or taken a wrong turn only knowing to have lost time never to get back?

How many of us spend, then, more time having looked back to wonder the what ifs?

Retrieve. Revisit. Redo. A machine.

Retrieve, sometimes?

Revisit, sometimes?

Redo, sometimes?

Allow me to contextually restate.

Retrieve, some time?

Revisit, some time?

Redo, some time?

What causes change is this heart, mind, body, and spirit within that collectively separates us from just mechanically reacting.

We are emotionally wired creatures. To reflectively and in my own way, conveying my extend, we each walk through allies of energies in motion, one function at a time.

Time. Emotion. Quantum mechanics grappling at its finest, I permission my thoughts to playfully conjecture. 

Most often, what we emotionally, that ally of energy in motion, get caught up in can entrap us to be stuck there- that lost in time predicament. 

Energy in motion, emotion, is thinner spread out than the collected, its counter.  That ball consuming more until it ruptures or bursts.

I truly believe this is why we understand what to be bottled up actually feels like and not just what it means, something I wonder a machine to ever comprehend. 

There has to be this decision within to dissipate any energy in motion trying to gather if sensed to be unwanted.

While time is your present, each energy is a joule (Yes. I’m suggesting joule as jewel here).

The appreciation level of our present given is answered by joules we then exchange or gather.

If we should understand that there is hardly time to individually catch up with energy in motion within us, should we stand still and thus, just wait for emotions around us to gather and sweep us along?

Perhaps the human fault is to find balls of energy standing around are much easier to gather with than of those moving up, out, and away from such collectivity.

And, yet, what will we have joined our own motions of energy within time given?

Although we may not be able to foresee our every move before executed in slow motion, should we not at least try to align our next moves to be in right with those moving in a positive direction?

With so much energy moving in motion at once, it can be understandable why we see those just surrender to energies idling with no progression- easiest to catch compared to the ever-moving.

So, we become part of a super cyclone, hot energy scooped up, celled by the cold; lighting, while far ahead, positive and negative energies fighting within.

However our energies in motion move about, dissipate into, or, collect, do we not essentially have power of placement prior to any exchange?

This part of awareness, the contrary simply not taking time to think what they move toward or find themselves being collected amongst versus those who selectively plan ahead, leads to either victory or defeat.

When no direction of our energies in motion are given, we may miss opportunities to align ourselves under the right heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Simply gathering with balls of energy in motion without thought, one can be lost in emotion (Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam dedication right there). 

Thus, when time and energy is devalued, taken for granted at each moment given, we trample on time and energy- some of us far into later years to finally discover, both irretrievably lost. 

Energies in motion all around us are exchanged or collected far too fast or too slow, but are they hardly on time?

Timing of emotional trade, when not in sync, in essence, can cause much misuse.

Even machines break down when all are not systematically aligned. Yes?

One wants to reconcile while the other is still stuck in a bottle with no diamond in the rough able to help break free what is trapped inside.

I have said in a previous reflection that we carry green balls and red balls, the green being of good energy while the red be of opposition.

Ceaselessly, as we interact with our surroundings, we throw balls around and to each other, exerting energy, carrying energies of motion, emitting and sometimes, emoting emotions, each given time. 

If filled with lots of green, we have good energy to exchange; contrary to the red ones where around those, that may be all to give and receive.

If we were the only ones throwing, one could be more focused in delivery. The challenge and at times, struggle, is, we are each also simultaneously receiving the energies in motion coming at us from all around.

It is wonderful to see the eloquence of how matters are handled in heroic movies, fine-tuned scenes to exactness of a wanted outcome. Whereas in reality, balls get thrown at all angles, multi-dimensionally faceted. 

And, then, it so happens where a ball that you hadn’t seen thrown hits you in the head or gut, emitted or emoted motion spiraling in much confusion. 

There are those who stand and wait for you to throw balls of energy back, thinking a red ball for a red ball. 

The thing is, it is at that moment where you look in your bucket to realize all you see is green- you dodged or got rid of any reds to throw. 

All the energy you withhold should be that of which you desire. 

To other’s disappointment, perhaps, but there must be peaceful understanding within that you care not to waste any of all that you have built up.

The ultimate power within is to catch and throw all green balls while dodging all the red. 

If to implode or explode, good energy will either be inwardly felt or outwardly expelled, time never wasted each way.

Only those consumed by unwanted energies run amuck to rid of any to alleviate their heaviness or pains.

Why should I suffer for someone else’s mistake? I have said to myself for as far as I can remember, even as a child. 

I honestly believe I have created this protective shield for myself since I can recall around the age of seven.

That old soul that observes the world and blurts words out the mouth such as, “Now you’re sorry after the hurt?”

These were things that would enter my mind during, silently always trying to make sense of the world, one study of the heart, mind, body, and spirit at a time.

Drive our energies toward those gleaming with green, what in proximity will we have chance to receive?

Our energies in motion seek control of direction. We must speak and sing along so growth around is not only abundant, but right.

So, when someone suggests that we control our emotions, I would like to believe we are actually suggesting- control our energies in motion. 

While we can’t predict or slow things down, are we not able to select how we use time and energy? 

Let us try to cherish the joules we use up with time given to us we call our present.

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