Anne Salve Women

Should One Be Considered a Fool to Believe?

Photo by Oliver Sjöström on

If one believes what one has never seen, does this suggest gullibility? Even more, should one be considered a fool?

Contrarily, if one sees a vision that cannot be touched or proved, yet convincingly feels and looks real, how does one sway from its seeming truth?

I dreamt that I could see a man in a coffin speaking to a young woman. He stated quite frankly, “There is no room here. You might want to ask to go over there.”

There is where my husband and I were lying on a hotel bed. I could see that my husband was asleep next to me as this young lady asked so kindly and gently, “Mind if I just lay between you guys for awhile just so I can rest?”

At first glance I recall thinking to be waking in and out of my dream, but looking at her again to make sure she was not one of my daughters as she was about their young adult age.

She was not bitter or angry about her evident fatal demise. Although she looked to have a white spaghetti-strapped bodysuit covering her body, dried of dirt waters, I could see she had no wounds. I recall telling myself she must have come out of a river.

She behaved rather accepting of her circumstance and with mud waters lightly covering her body, her hair, as if dried in a mud mask, hanging just above chest level, she quickly, but rather gracefully, went under the sheets and closed her eyes. I recall telling myself to not say a word as she tiredly laid to rest.

The last I remember was thinking of either Auburn or Autumn, acknowledging the color of her hair.

I remember waking to my husband getting up to use the restroom before asking me if I was okay, seeing that I must have had my eyes open before reaching out to me to hold me, confirming no “body” between us.

We were in a hotel room with our two youngest boys asleep on another bed and without looking at the clock, I knew it had been sometime around 3 or 4 am, times I seem to be awakened for no absolute reasons.

While I had quickly told him I had an eerie dream, I went back to sleep and didn’t tell him about its details until that next rising morning. 

We were in a different city, in a different state, and while I thought to call the officials, I immediately felt silly as I started to fully awaken. 

Who takes into account a dream from a visitor as a police report? 

I recall as a little child back in the Philippines seeing a white illuminated ball of dim light floating across the forest trees as if walking through the trails.

Mama told me they were called “santilmos”, believed to be lost souls in this world still looking for a way home.

During and after World War II, Mama told me as a child around my age, they would see them, too. She was told, then, they were the lost souls of soldiers looking for a way out.

All would be told, if encountered, to run from them, as the only way for santilmos to escape out of their imprisoned soul is to enter and take over another.

Mama’s own father, a grandfather I would have wanted to meet, chose to be homeless instead of remain home. Before leaving his family at Mama’s age of around fourteen, she told me the story of how her Papa shared having gone underwater to swim with a mermaid who had bedazzled him from shore.

In this underwater world, being with the mermaid, he was given ability to breathe. All were glorious and beautiful, a kingdom inexplicable of its sight.

The mermaid had asked him to stay, but he told her he had to return because of his family. His told secret to my mom was that he had seen this same mermaid several times while he was looking from ashore until that one day she invited him to swim with her.

Just before his death, old and ailing, Mama’s father had been returned to her with the help of Papa. Someone whom Papa had given refuge to helped to bring back Mama’s Papa to her almost two decades later.

Several mini mountains surfaced at the back of our newly built home in the Philippines. Papa told me to never walk on them as they were homes of “duendes”, miniature gnomes who lived peacefully under those mounds unless bothered. If threatened, they could bring unwanted danger to you and your family.

A couple who approached me and Mama in our backyard out of nowhere asked if we had a place for them to stay. My parents allowed them to live in a hut built to be like a playhouse for my older siblings by our home.

Following neighbors complaining of seeing two humans with large wings flocking to our home at night, held suspect as “wak-waks”, the couple were invited to join us and surrounding neighbors for a meeting held at our home. The two never showed. They were never to be seen again. The next morning, the hut was found empty.

Understandably, like atheists or agnostics, if one has never seen, one will never believe.

And still, to suggest, although one may not see, with countless histories written and spoken of what others have witnessed to have known or understood as either premonitions or strong beliefs, it should also be respected as to why there are those who will never be convinced to think otherwise.

While scientists delve into the realm of quantum physics, balking at those who question such unseen existence, how is it different for others to suggest true of what they’ve known to actually have seen or trust others to have experienced or witnessed?

Whether communicated through dreams or stories, how is it that those in the past speak of what others suggest to have also known?

After all, aren’t pyramids discovered throughout the world now, not just Egypt? 

Has anyone openly gone beyond theories to explicitly explain their existence? 

If dinosaurs and dragons lived, is it not possible for all other unknowns to also coexist? 

Folklore beliefs or beyond scientific explanations? 

If you don’t believe in such, does that suggest no truth in any of it? 

Because I said so just doesn’t have great effect on me anymore. However, like a child, hungry to understand truth, still, I quietly listen.

If one considers another a fool for believing, doesn’t that grant the other to believe likewise of the other who doesn’t?

Stupid until proven smart?

Foolish until proven wise?

Impossible until proven plausible?

Mythical until theoretical?

Theoretical until… factual?

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