Anne Salve Women

photo of woman holding bottle

Have the Happiest New Year Yet

Make that an order.


Heal from whatever you think is not possible to recover from. Pain is real. When the cut is deep, the wounds are harder to heal; the bleeding can be much longer. And yet, you have the control to get up and keep going whether the wound is still bleeding or at recovery state. Rise. Be well. Yesterday happened. Today you live. Tomorrow awaits.


Another moment awaits for you to venture. It may not be the best moment. It may be the most challenging yet to endure. Or, it may be that turning point of your life where had you not taken the step forward, you would have never arrived to discover what truly awaits for you. Keep moving. See what’s ahead. 


Place your priorities right right now. Sure, we all get sidetracked. We all have moments where we thought our priorities were aligned and going into the right direction. If you have derailed, excuse yourself. Reflect. Remember. Reorganize. Rethink. Realign. Resume. 


Please don’t give yourself excuses to waste another year. If you’ve done some wasting in the past, then, leave it to the past to say that was done and over with now. Set yourself in the tone of “GO” and like Nike, Just Do It. Or if the “it” is still varying or unclear, at least Just Do.


Years go by and there is no taking them back. Good riddance to those moments we learned from and good tidings to those moments we have grown from. The seeds that have been sown right will sprout. If last year was just tilling the land, get planting. Sow.


Never underestimate the very you that you can become. Ignore the voices of the bear clawing you down. Listen to the bull whose horns are trying to push you up. It is the very voice within that you are listening to that will get you going in the wrong or right direction.


Everything has had a purpose in your life. Know this so you don’t carry any bitterness or spite. You were not meant to ponder on the lows. Just like an eagle who swoops down only for a short time, soar the sky, up above and high, where you belong. Storms happen. Still, you fly. 


Wondering what will make of you if you fail was so yesterday. Let that fear go. Wonder instead what will become of you if you never try to take a chance at succeeding. If the failures come or have come, the good news is, you only finish where you’ve started if you haven’t moved.


You are who you are. You are not your friend. You are not your parent. You are not who you were yesterday. You are who are you today and you will be someone even better tomorrow. Strive for that even if you take one step forward at a time. You’ve got this.


Each time you dare think you will resort back to giving in, push yourself two times forward in self praise and in your actions. This way, even if you do fall back a step, you are still one step ahead of where you were. 


Always keep in mind that tomorrow is unpredictable. Plan for what you want, but always have what you need to keep your mind right, head up with spirits high, heart strong, and soul alive. That way, if anything tries and take you down, you’re ready to brush your shoulders off and keep going. 


Reach for your potential and possibilities. They are both endless. So, if you arrive at some point, whether victory or disappointment, and you are feeling somewhat of a void, remind yourself that this is because you are not done. You are far from being finished. There is so much more of you to know and discover.

Promise yourself a journey to you that you won’t forget. Promise to not judge yourself if you don’t arrive to some remarkable social media every moment of your life. You don’t need to look for anyone’s approval of your moments in life. You just have to live them and own them because they are yours. 

“In the presence or absence of an audience, the greatest applause comes from within.” -Anne Salve 

Let that lion roar from within. Listen to it. Go. Embrace this year. You’ve got this.

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