Anne Salve Women

anonymous woman on zipline over stony coast

Preparing to Succeed

As you take actions to succeed, here are some things to prepare yourself to run into so that you don’t get blind sighted:

  1. The word “no”. The word “no” never hurt anyone. However, when we are pursuing our dreams, somehow it seems that hearing a “no” suggests the dream is farther from reach or sadly, is unattainable. The only thing that the word “no” is suggesting is that your pride is hurt. Your aspirations have not been tampered or destroyed. Move on. Prepare yourself to hear “no” a thousand times. Like Edison, you’ll see the light if you persevere. 
  2. People trying to discourage you. Forgive people for what they do not know themselves- getting to where you want to go or becoming who you aspire to be. It becomes quite evident when spending time with people who quit having stumbled upon their own challenges and thus, surrendering to disappointments, that when you share your plans for greater things, they can’t see with you or don’t want to-simply because they’ve never gotten to or have been there. Think. If you get there, then it will have hit them that had they kept going, they would have gotten to their destiny, too. It is that fear, perhaps in them, to see someone actually make it.
  3. Drama. These are those distractions that will not only take up and cost you your time, but will drain you of any energy you should be putting toward meeting your goals instead. Unfortunately, those trying to involve you into their drama most likely don’t want a resolution- they just want you along the ride with them. This type of ride either never stops or will be headed in the wrong direction of where you are trying to go. Don’t get on that ride with them. Walk, if you have to, but in the direction you’ve planned for yourself. Those others and their drama? They are on a different destiny. That destiny of destruction.
  4. Financial setbacks. Money is like a fruit plant. Some years the harvest is good. Some years the harvest is hardly called one or sadly, barren.  The factors leading to this could have been under your control or hardly any at all. Regardless, financial setbacks must be taken in as a pause, not an end. It may take you longer to get to where you plan to be, but you cannot wallow over what you aren’t able to do anything about. Keep planning if you can’t be actually acting upon the plans. As you find yourself in the momentary stumble, embrace the time you have to pause on your thoughts. See and continue to plan yourself already at your destination while you wait for the doors to reopen.
  5. Your own state of mind. If you believe you will succeed, what are the chances your body will go in the direction to fail? Contrarily, if you doubt you’ll ever get there or tire yourself from believing that there will come a day you will arrive to your destiny, your body has already felt your sub-conscious receptors before you’ve even considered such thoughts to surface into your perceptive conscience. Hence, we acknowledge the moment our body tires and then we tell ourselves to quit. In actuality, we subconsciously quit first subsequently leading our body to tire. And then, we think to comprehend the very thought of quitting as if it was our tired body that surrendered. Your mind leads your body.
    In preparing to succeed, you must prepare for the inevitable letdowns IN ADDITION TO your plan of action to get to your destiny. In other words, don’t set yourself up to fail by having no plan of action in the first place. Be a doer by putting into action being a dreamer. Set yourself to have that blueprint of your success right under your arms. This way, instead of aimlessly going in the direction you think to go, you set a path. The focus will be on the road, defensively steering your way toward your awaiting destiny.

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