Anne Salve Women

anonymous woman with rainbow light on face

The Pyramid Scheme of Mind-Control

Villains can’t wait for the day for when they are victorious of their plot. “Then, the world will be mine! Mine!! Mu-wa-ha-ha-hah!!” Isn’t that, like, a usual line for villains? They are always looking to destroy, justifying in their darkened mind, whether consciously or not, that they would show the world who is in power because the rest of the world either has it all wrong or will pay for having done them wrong. Whatever justification it may be, villains are out to destroy, one weakened mind at a time.

One set to start a pyramid scheme of mind control doesn’t have to be a major villain. In fact, there is yet another that plays the part of the innocent, the type one least likely to be seen as harmful. These ones are the best to acquire control of the mind, the villainous minds. The actual and quite well-experienced villainous minds in this world know that they can’t effectively affect or influence the masses at once. Hence, they devise to enter minds one at a time. Only one or two other minds need be convinced of their beliefs or word of advice. That one or two minds go to find two other minds to convince of the very same. Each of those minds go and find two more. The pyramid scheme of mind-control in full effect. 

It doesn’t even have to be a paid session. Villains of this kind don’t do it for money when it comes to mind control. They do it for mere power of control- to take credit for whatever “wisdom” they passed on. They voluntarily share with you their thoughts and perspectives, pretending to care about yours. Their intent is to hook you in. They auspiciously work their way in.

Thus, the reason why people do buy into these mind controls is because it comes to you gratuitously, most always when one is at their lowest or feelings of uncertainty within stages of life. So, filling oneself with free advice during times of emptiness is a dual reward for the wanting or perceptively, needing. Free food for thought; free of charge.

Such subtle and yet costly deception are lured in like those eventually hooked on mental elixirs who didn’t perhaps see the trickery take into play- the first ones were free or at a reasonable price to pay. Eventually, not only has your mind been fed to the depths of the trap, but so has the heart, soul, and spirit. What was “free” leads to an eventual series of deficits or debt, many times not allowing an exit due to feelings of shame or loss of everything else already sacrificed.

I believe this is how people arrive to feelings of dismay, hate, failure, and eventually, destruction, whether it be destroying one’s self or those afflicted within the parasitic environment created. The worst off are those entrapped, feeling their loyalty has deeply become involved.

I try to understand why people are who they are and why they do what they do. I have for a long time. Wanting to understand that mind that baffles the world as to how others were lured to follow, I hold no other interest, for instance, for sadists and masochists, but the desire to be ahead of their game, thinking how one might be healed before they get sick, if that even makes sense to a few. 

When an outbreak takes place, the hunt is out for the host. Understandably, the “mother” could lead to answers of how offspring were created, so to speak. While there is reproduction to take form with any parasitic host, we essentially hold the power to sever any multiplicity to exist. 

How? Know a pyramid scheme when you see one. Awareness is good when you’ve mastered it, but tricky when you haven’t. Hence, to prevent anything negative to enter your realm of life, your circle, the following is what to take awareness of in case such pyramid scheme comes your way.

In reading the article, “What Is a Pyramid Scheme?” by Andrew Bloomenthal, a generally known pyramid scheme in reference to financial investments suggest the top two definitions:

  • A pyramid scheme funnels earnings from those on lower levels of an organization to the top, and are often associated with fraudulent operations.
  • The vast majority of pyramid schemes rely on profiting from recruitment fees and seldom involve the sale of actual goods or services with intrinsic value.

Let us now take this into a form of emotional, spiritual, and mental investment to suggest the following:

  • Most always with dishonesty and deceptive ways, these pyramid-scheming villains are those looking to siphon one’s time, energy or life look for the lowly, those who have seemingly found themselves at a loss, looking as if they have hit bottom, looking like a perfectly vulnerable target, in need for betterment.
  • These villains are not about you profiting. Rather, they are about gaining from you, whatever it may be they can, taking in what little you may have already given them, knowing that if you do come to your senses and walk away, they can continue to do the same to someone else. In the meanwhile, you staying only gives them less work to find another mind to work on.

What you thought was beneficial from a benevolent other who wanted to help you rise only placed you in a worse circumstance than where you were before you fell for the villain’s scheme. These schemers profited from what you’ve already invested, whether it be time, energy, mind, body, or emotions, none of which held any worth to them as they may have first led you to believe.

Pyramid schemers are for the taking of whatever one can give to help them continue their existence. The idea here is, as long as there are those vulnerable enough to affect, these villains have effectively recruited more potential villains. 

The next time you are feeling low or you are gauging your fuel as about empty, keep guard of yourself and that of what is within you. Be mentally aware of one’s intent. As my law and government high school teacher reminded the class before a debate one day, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”

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