What peace means to one, I begin to fully grasp, doesn’t always resonate to be clear for all.
Quiet with not a worry in the world.
Surely, I would suppose the general answer that could be easily agreed upon.
Let’s not ignore the ubiquitous Miss Universe question, “If you could change anything in this world, what would it be?”
You know that answer. World peace.
Of course, the final contender being asked would elaborate, as some spectators practically hold their breath, where it seems many mouth out in agreement- no hunger, no fighting, no poverty… where all can be created equal.
Sounds like grounds for major approval every time.
We know this was meant to be sincere. We want this to be sincere. We believe this can be achieved. We want this to be achieved.
Someone. Anyone. Crown her already.
However, if Rhianna on Take a Bow, were to get on the stage and start singing, “How ‘bout a round of applause, standing ovation…”, those who know the euphemistic message to this song, you’d be able to recite the following lyrics, “But you put on quite a show; Really had me goin’…”
Quite the inappropriate cue-in for shows where all we want to hear, feel, and see is utter perfection and beauty with sound answers.
While entertained like the rest, I was always that quietly confused one in these moments whereupon seemingly perfect answers have just been presented.
That world peace part, I could see it so vividly, even as a child, already grasping knowledge of the world and its confinements, visualizing such serenity.
It was the how part I found myself fixated on.
One could perceive, perhaps, an answer to be eloquently and precisely given. I know I have inwardly entertained myself at such moments where I felt my answers froze the room (either because I just led the room to confusion or tricked them to believe I gave out yet another thought-provoking answer- lol).
Think deeply of peace. Can peace truly be acquired in the means we understand the very word to symbolize or mean the same for each of us?
Parenting, teaching, and wifing (that is, wife-ing; not wireless fidelity, but wife fidelity- lol, again)- roles understanding need for peace.
That “quiet without a worry in the world” peace.
I just want to have conversations with my own thoughts without outside worries. THAT simple, but challengingly attainable seek.
And, yet, is not that type of peace a shallowness of our own selfishness to think that’s what we all want?
For instance, do we all think quiet as peace?
Some of us, like me, to point out, don’t do well with too much noise. We can’t pay attention to our endless thoughts, those endless conversations happening in the heart, mind, body, and spirit all trying to make sense of everything and anything.
As a teacher, parent, and wife, being interrupted is part of the undisclosed clause of taking on each role.
(“You interrupted me again!” The child in me stomps and complains each time inside.)
Then, there are those who find quiet quite eery- intimidating, in fact. While silence can be one’s desire, the very same could be what one runs from upon even sensing the possibility of walking into such a room.
Interestingly enough, I have recently learned that even when all sounds were to be extracted to a point where below zero decibel is achieved, an average person would hardly be able to withstand such quietude.
Purest silence. Would that be peace? Evidently not.
Stay in a room long enough with others, silence is bound to be broken.
I continue to reflect.
I just praised my students for leading with greatness, embracing the peace and thus, quiet, in the room, while all deeply delve into learning focus following collaborative engagement.
Then, here comes in that student who has a different agenda, suggesting immediate discomfort for the quiet found amongst all peers. Apparently, no one talking can be a sensory trigger in the same manner the opposite can be for one like me.
I look upon my own children who are solemn in their individual journeys to find growth and development at best, partaking to their fullest at their daily perceived levels.
All of a sudden, your perception of peace is another’s opportunity to make it something else. There seems to be those in this world who believe progress, growth, and development should not have much difficulty and struggle. Ironically, it’s the very same people who face difficulty and struggle suggesting such.
I just picked up a book, now ready to delve into another page of help and aide for me to grow and understand while I continue to seek truth.
Here come in my lovely husband, looking so forward to be a part of my… peace. Now this, I must give into. Peace in partnership is sharing pieces of ourselves with the other to be one.
Breathing in all that is good with no bad to breathe out.
And, yet, and, if so, how could we all have such simultaneously?
Beyond our suggestion of peace, what does that very meaning look, sound, and feel for each of us?
Work or no work? Which piece is your peace?
Challenges or no challenges? Which piece is your peace?
Thinking or no thinking? Which piece is your peace?
Feeling or not feeling? Which piece is your peace?
Hearing or not hearing? Which piece is your peace?
Seeing or not seeing? Which piece is your peace?
Tasting or not tasting? Which piece is your peace?
I must ask, Could this world ever offer everyone peace to where all will exhale in agreement?
I think deeper.
Peace on Earth.
Peace not war.
Peace be with you.
Peace, my brother.
Peace, my sister.
No troubles?
No hurt?
No pain?
All are well?
If there were no troubles, hurt, pain, or illnesses, I think deepest and wonder, How many roles would seize to exist?
Doctors? Lawyers? Therapists? Counselors? Repairmen? War affiliates?
Who would be needed? Who would not?
Which purpose would no longer be needed?Whose purpose would no longer be needed?
Peace be with you? Peace be with whom?
Hence, would we all flourish under the same likeness in times of… peace?
Would anyone dare think peace would suggest equality for all?
Are there not those who flourish more in times of troubles and division?
Is there not some form of chain reaction to where casinos, churches, and aide for help grow in demand when hope, uncertainty, and agony rise?
Who would fare most if peace were to arrive?
Who would, struggle in, well, such peace?
While I have seen those who celebrate with various libations, are there not those who drink without limitation, having no reason to celebrate, losing all self-control and discipline to depend on such?
Escaping? Fleeting? Numbing? Are not those actions of ones who desire a way out of where they currently find their own predicament to be?
Inebriate, intoxicate, chemically influence- are any of these a search for peace when the world gives us troubles?
Could the ongoing existence and prevalence of such influences be due to a misguided peace?
Are we on both sides of the search for peace, never seemingly to find it?
And, so, if one cannot find peace around us, where shall we go to find it?
I must ask. (But, I anticipate some of you to have the answer.)
Whatever one runs from, will not the truth of troubles still be carried with you?
Where does a father suggest for you to go when he feels trouble outside his home?
Go inside.
Is not peace a choice from within no matter the endurance of what is being casted upon us?
Although fear strikes upon us, knocks on our doors, pounds at times, can we not still fortify from within?
Each of our temperaments and thresholds may constantly be put to a test without various levels of awareness.
However, if you really want to know who has closest encounter with peace, just look around you.
Why does one smile and sing next to you who seems to have less fortune and even perhaps, more struggles?
How can one who looks to have lost everything still be grateful for life itself?
When one has seemingly endured far worse than others, how does that one seem to have the strength to go on?
We shall all be afraid.
But, wait. What should happen upon the choice not to? No matter the moment, no matter the outcome?
You mean, that Thou shall not fear words of comfort?
Could this be the only peace that could silence us all?
That silence within only power, love, and self-discipline can control?
When you find that peace that is within, could it be then possible for all one to do without?
Peace on Earth. Yes.
Peace not war. Yes.
Peace be with you. Yes.
Peace, my brother. Yes.
Peace, my sister. Yes.
No troubles? Yes.
No hurt? Yes.
No pain? Yes.
All are well? Yes.
Say yes to all.
Do you see it?
Not yet. Maybe not ever.
That is fear knocking to make you run or hide.
Each of us have been given a purpose of need to suit this world. Like it or not, in partnership to ever be one in this world (the only number that when multiplied by any other number results in sameness; zero nulls and voids us all- Selah.), we must each share pieces of ourselves.
While we must embrace that even in time of peace, we must prepare for war (thanks to my husband’s grandmother for passing that wisdom on), there are the trowels on one hand to fortify our walls.
Inner peace. That which is inside, protected by your very walls is fear without.
Relax. Breathe. Let go.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
If there is no peace to be agreed upon in this world, what peace is there?
Peace be within you.
Give thanks and be thankful. Always.