Anne Salve Women

woman lying on a tree branch by a body of water

The Success To Being Petrified

There arrives success to being petrified.

Allow me to explain.

My training days, I call them, as I move into my golden years, have truly opened my eyes to mindsets broken to those driven to break through.

Ever see a plant that just grows amongst those around? 

Those that seemingly just blend in with the rest, although visibly different in some way, showing itself to be so at times, yet, taking in what all the rest have accepted, hardly any point to question?

Are we brought into and out to be just as accepting?

Would this not be complacency or surrender for us to just be instead of become?

Finding the glory to learn beyond the opportunity to teach, I find myself more at ease at being no expert in anything.

The more I teach, the more I am grateful to siphon knowledge for truth from those around me. 

The more I see, hear, smell, taste, and feel, the more I hunger to understand. 

And, yet, the more I try and examine the minds of others, I cannot help but be quietly observant at the same time.

I see those born or handed down luck and fortune who unstoppably work to grow and expand, determined to be just as good or better than their predecessors.

I also see those given the same opportunity to start strong and yet, at their own course, watch everything become expended. The following generations, never to know of such foundation, must start the rebuild once again.

I see seemingly those who don’t seek or believe in fortunistic opportunities when not just handed down a step above and thus, either accept their circumstance or make no effort for change to take any step at all.

While I see those capped to certain ceiling heights, there are those who try to be unaccepting of such limitations at first. With lack of guidance or knowledge, however, discouragement mixes in with surrender in time.

I see perseverance refunded by known comfort when 999 different ways didn’t work.

I also see those who do the same thing 999 times, unwilling to make change, running into the same outcome 999 times. 

One thousand times will have made no difference. 

Aside from those who dwindle away what they were given or handed down and those who accept or set their own limitations, there are those who gamble on time and money for that chance to win the lottery. 

This could be for a lifetime of no movement, just hope their ticket to be called. 

I don’t mean that in just lottery ticket terms. I connect that with all those who apply themselves in one way and expect grandiosity as a result.

From the daily lottery to the lifetime opportunity, there are those who would rather be put into the blessing than devote to earning every opportunity up, one step forward at a time.

Understandably, facing discouragement after discouragement can be most trying for the heart, mind, body, and spirit. 

Understandably, that is why only the few of the few of the fewest get to the pinnacle of ventured satisfactory level.

Even when satisfied, the hard work to follow demands maintenance. 

If not taught to maintain, what can be expected to retain?

Annual plants get replaced. Perennials return. Evergreens stay, grow, and mature to the end of time. 

With that to note, hope subsides for all to take heed.

There are those who choose to invest in themselves.

When no treasure can be found from where one stands, one can either search for such luck and fortune or be the treasure to be found.

Language spoken or heart felt, the sense to be more only comes to reality when actions follow words.

Mathematics or mind, even with one talent, a means to multiply suggests a result of zero, one, to infinity (and beyond!). 

History known or body endured, no battle has been won without sacrifice.

Science or spirit, if numerous attempts results the same, one must move or be moved to make change.

When chanced to make a move, increase, triumph, reform, or redirect, an opportunity for wider and greater growth presents itself. 

The drive, placement, or taking is there if not, to be driven, placed, or taken.

And, yet, a broken one to one determined to break through, has already chosen a subconscious outcome.

To drive or be driven. 

To place or be placed.

To take or be taken.

Either contraries will not matter; something  broken to something breaking through will present itself so, no matter where found or seen.

Whichever oppositions become victorious depends within.

Allow me to reflect.

There is a miniature tree in our front yard that is now regularly needing to be tamed as it continues to grow wider and taller, far now above my height.

No one would have thought that my husband and I took note of that very same plant about ten years ago, back then, just a sprout. 

We both assumed it had been a seed dropped by a bird or buried by an animal, innocuous amongst miniature trees and shrubberies we personally bought and structurally planted. 

We would have to cut it down and heavily dig out the roots under all the rockeries before needing to redo that particular spot now.

That long ago tiny sprout has anchored itself to stay. 

Had we pulled it out a decade ago, I think at the sight of it, what would never be standing before the rest, dominant within its found space.

Driven (in this case, flown), placed, or taken to- this breakthrough happened.

This tree did neither drive, place, or take itself to this very spot.

If that tree were to have any cognizance, it would know my husband and I to be given power of its continued existence.

While its existence sits to rely on outer control, it evidently flourishes within its time and space.

Lucky for plants, it’s made to just grow and prosper without worry or emotion. 

Think strongly and positively, we should be and feel so fortunate that we are each more than just a plant.

How much more are we with our given gifts and abilities, whether we drive or are driven to, place ourselves or are placed, or take or are taken to?

Five children later and a togetherness with my husband of over thirty years, one’s heart, mind, body, and spirit have all worked up and out many breakthroughs.

The blessings are plentiful, but even a seed pushing through soil before it can ever arrive to its full bloom has to rely solely on faith that it will reach above ground just to see light.

From a seed, all levels of growth comes with movement. Yes?

Then, within the process of growth, there lies hope for a healthy development.

There is movement in hope, still. Yes?

One cannot breathe in and out the same air.

Enclosed spaces or little ventilation results in carbon monoxide.

Colorless and odorless, chronic damage or a deadly fate awaits.

Interestingly, life and death can simply be a part oxygen difference. 

Even life knows just how much to give and take as death holds itself to counter, yes?

Can you see how easy it can be for one to degenerate before even arriving to complete maturation?

I was young when I had my first child and married.

Was I broken or breaking through?

I knew nothing, but out and forward. 

While quietly I knew to know not of tomorrow, I envisioned good to come of my every step, my every move.

I sowed good in me to produce good around me.

I understood early that I had to embrace whatever I had to start. Heart, mind, body, and spirit, I had to invest with what I was given.

I observed early.

Papa was handed down inheritance, enough for a time, but, then, dwindled under no training of how to generationally pursue. 

For me, I was in due time to create my path, believing in my own possibilities.

Although young, I found in my husband great potential to lead in our pursuance together to great destinies.

He showed strength and determination with already a promising start.

Even with nothing, his proclamation that he was almost done with college, having a great career ahead of him, and that we would have kids and be married, showed me a vision already in the making. 

I believed in his potential. I felt his truth of becoming.

I invested in myself to be the best in leading or partnering as I took note, control within had to be first before change without.

All in had to be going in the same direction no matter how. 

We had our why. We would break through together.

Had I waited any longer, without something to create immediate habit out of high school, I might as well have stayed home with my parents, worked at a grocery store or the library until the end of time.

Thankfully, I drew on faith while staying committed to being the best of me, one step forward at a time.

I had predispositions and sensed knowing of an urgency to lead by example, no matter what was asked of me to become. 

Although lacking of exposure at first to wider horizons, the challenges were there to test my willingness to take.

I broke through, one challenge at a time, even if one step forward sometimes took me ten steps back. 

Pushed and pulled between what I knew and what more I was convinced was out there for me to conquer, fortunately, by high school, I had already developed inner strength, courage, and belief to rise to level of expectations I had for myself, not of me. 

It is within us to surpass the beliefs of others of what we are capable of doing.

While not done surpassing to the end of time, each breakthrough point so far had to be overcome to get to the next, sometimes, overlapping. 

Over thirty years together and both my husband and I surely have had challenges as we faced one major breakthrough after or to another. 

Smoothly and peacefully- words I’d like to think are used sparingly when driving through obstacles thrown at you or simply awaiting (unexpectedly) at times, were, are, and I’d like to think, will always be, a breath of fresh air.

The calling for action following words, to multiply even when given just one, to welcome sacrifice before glory- all lead to movement for change.

There is this growing up that while you thought in your youth, you just needed to bud and flourish, the desire to grow had to be acknowledged to reach complete maturation.

Each moment of growth holds a time capsule. 

What gets captured within each capsule can be empty to overflowing.

While a plant, with the right amount of water, sunlight, soil- all this and the joy of one’s environment, helps one necessitate to full development, shall we, being beyond so much more, remain still and reliant within our own process?

If you have, should you not keep going to keep having?

If you have not, should you not keep going to eventually have?

If and when you keep having, will you not produce seed so your offspring may have?

When they have, should they or will they keep going?

Petrified, you will, then, be.

In that valuable, priceless sense, of course. 

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