Anne Salve Women

two women smiling

How to Keep the Splendor of Peace

To arrive at peace may be easy for some. Peace has been sowed and thus, the reaping may well have been strengthened and is now in abundance. However, to keep such peace is something I have come to understand is far more challenging than receiving such blissful blessing.

Being less than two years shy of arriving to living a half century here, I can assure you I have had run-ins with the battle of protecting my peace. From childhood to adulthood, those around can become ravages of what you possess if not protected. Shielding and protecting what you have been given takes mighty powers to retain and maintain. Peace is within. Thus, those without will have to dig deep inside you to get it. Some will. If you are not careful, some do. 

The following is what I merit myself as having gained wisdom to understand how to keep the splendor of peace:

Observe your surroundings. This one is difficult and so I will start with it to devour the very challenge for me to clearly convey.

Although all a symbol of blessings, peace does not equate to possessions or prosperity. Between the three, peace may be the hardest to keep. This could be due to peace having to do with the heart, mind, body, and spirit. This could also be due to the misconception that peace arrives once possessions are in abundance and prosperity is in fruition. 

People chasing, wanting, desiring, aching, starving, hating sadly on others for their possessions and prosperity may never come to peace. The very misunderstanding that possessions and prosperity must come first to arrive at peace may just be the obstacle of ever acquiring the soundness of its state. 

Arriving at peace is an empowerment. Once acquired, peace is powerful. At the same time, peace is vulnerable. 

People do not just see your peace. The immense power of your peace is others sense the peace within you. Depending on your surroundings, your peace may become unfair to those who think they should have peace, too, but perspectively don’t.

This, this is what I had to learn the hard way… not realizing there was absence of peace within those around me within the presence of mine.

When there is calmness, joy, and peace within you, this is good for when you are surrounded by the same. That “birds of the same feather flock together” kind of understanding can be seen to be fruitful all around. All are joyful in heart, mind, body, and spirit. The soul is alive and well. No one around is in need of taking what they each already have in abundance. 

Peace be with you. That, I believe, is hope and prayer exchanged with our neighboring surroundings so that when peace is abundant, your peace is left alone. 

Just the same way you feel and know peace, if you sense the contrary, should you stay around?

Observe the words that try and enter you. I was raised by “blood is thicker than water” saying. I didn’t realize how much this had a hold on me until I arrived at an instance where I heard myself ask, “And, what have you done to keep us united?

I kid you not, the moment I heard myself ask such question, it was such a revelation to my very much need to grow up and out of constrictions and confinements.

Scientifically, we can devise an understanding that truly blood is thicker than water. With blood consisting of more than hydrogen and oxygen in regards to chemical components, there adds to be even more complexities of its purpose beyond plasma. Blood coagulates while water molecules have been observed to evaporate above freezing temperatures. The fluidity or viscosity- the ability to flow of blood is, I believe, like a 5 to 1 ratio in comparison to water.

Blood IS thicker than water. 

Should the question be rather, Which is more essential?

There are incredible families out there who have exemplified the root of understanding that family is the foundation. However, remarking this half-humorously, there are those who will utter the words, “Blood is thicker than water” to assure their stance in the family. Such manipulation to me goes in line with what I’ve heard my students utter, “Snitches get stitches.” 

Who do you suppose is first to suggest or utter those words? Those who are in the wrong afraid of being found or those in the right trying to omit any wrong?

There is a responsibility within each to keep and protect the peace.

It only takes one in a generation to change the course of a family to promote peace and prosperity. It only takes one to decide to change the course for generations to follow to start hoping for peace and prosperity again. 

Yes. Family is great to have. It is everything I have always wanted. It is something I have always worked to accomplish. Some people just don’t have the sense to understand peace cannot coincide with war, division, and destruction, however. 

As far as I know, blood will never be thinner than water. The ugly question is, if there is bad blood, should you keep it?

Observe time and space. Building solid structure is founded by materials of the framework and foundation. Architectural planning creates beauty on the outside. Scientific engineering ensures durability within.

Composite wood is just not as solid as wood that have sat and organically grown for centuries. The peace in growing a solid foundation and framework can very well be interrupted within the impatience and desire to build quickly and not strongly instead.

Mama reminded my memories of large bamboo trees I recalled seeing, touching, and walking through amidst a forest back in Mindanao, Philippines, where I was born. Mama says there aren’t any like those anymore. They are being cut down too soon before such immense growth even arrive.

The growth of peace simply interrupted to cease full maturation.

I recently attended my thirtieth reunion. I was determined to attend all three days for this one as a decade ago, our youngest had just been born and I only made it to the family picnic, just a few days of having delivered our fifth blessing.

I make a point to make it to these reunions because I hardly make a point to touch base with anyone. I have embraced that about me. Friendship is an investment that one must commit to to keep going. I’m a zero or a hundred type of personality. I’m all in or not in at all. My husband and children have peacefully been my enough along with my students. Every time I’ve invested my time and space with others, peace of my enough has faced hindrance.

Seeing people every ten years allows me to gather my thoughts about what I can say to each as I make a point to cherish the short moment we will have together. 

I was happy to once again tell those I told a decade ago how grateful I was for their genuine friendship- one who made me sandwiches and another who was always sincerely true to me. I added a few more this last time, remembering special moments where one looked out for me or helped me out. 

The one thing I remembered to do most was to tell my former classmates how proud I was of their becoming. One has started his own construction company. I told him how proud I was of him. One has partnered with a college mate to begin a popcorn line. I told him how proud I was of him. Another has started her own nail polish line. I told her how proud I was of her. I went around acknowledging people’s growth and prosperity. In my words, I felt their peace. In return, I felt mine.

People’s accomplishments, their push forward, makes me indirectly bigger and better in time and space. When others are prospering, I feel like those bamboo trees happily growing along others in the forest.

The wind is calm and peaceful when all are growing. We hope to grow stronger together. This is peace. Yes?

Observe those with you and for you. My youngest son, one who just turned ten recently asked for only one thing- a Cristiano Reynaldo jersey. One story he shared with me about this futbol player’s life is when Reynaldo’s friend passed him the ball instead of getting the limelight with all scouts on the watch. Reynaldo’s friend simply told him when asked why that he knew Reynaldo was the greater player. 

While I am careful to not idolize anything or anyone, having heard this, I felt great admiration for Reynaldo’s friend- his honesty and solidarity in friendship, good character, and honor. I was grateful to have heard that Reynaldo has financially helped his friend since then. It would have been the right thing to do as soon as he was given the chance.

I think to myself how many people I’ve surrounded myself with who have believed in me, my dreams, my potential. While it is not anyone else’s responsibility or say as to what I am called to do, one task or milestone at a time, I think to myself, “How many out there have passed the ball to me just to give me the light?”

Arriving at a full understanding of peace may not come quick and easy. 

Surely my husband has questioned my hopes and aspirations. He has asked me tough questions about my full vision of what I truly see in where I would be heading if I was to choose a certain route. His perspectives have hurt as I have found myself at times feeling he did not support my thought processes. And then, I come to admit if not right away, many years later, had I chosen such route, my children would have been ignored or that at saddest decisions, I would have lost my marriage along the way.  

At the onset of me being a stay-at-home mom, my husband bought me my very own sewing machine. All he asked was what my favorite hobby would be staying home. I said, “Sewing”. 

Upon us sitting and talking, I mentioned someday I would become an author and write books. My husband simply said, “Start today.”  I have since written and published three. 

Before all this, it was my husband who lined up with me to register for college and choose a pathway. I recall how he read through each category majors, asking me if any sounded like something to my interest. He came across “Psychology”. I said, “That sounds interesting.” Between our five children, I’ve arrived so far with a Masters in Psychology. 

He didn’t stop me there. He asked what I would do with that major. After continuing to go through possibilities, I came to the conclusion I would dually get certified as a teacher. At the age of twenty-two, I received my BA and endorsement in Psychology with a Teacher’s Certificate.  

When I stayed home, he worked hard. When I decided to go to work, he stepped to the side. When I decided to stay at home again, he continued to work harder. When I quickly realized I was losing myself at home and had to return to work, he stepped aside again. 

Would I still have become all that I am today had my husband not been there? Perhaps. Would I dare take the risk of knowing the possibility? Without a doubt, I firmly state, “No.” From my video workouts during the pandemic and all these video journals since I have found peace in… he not only has passed the ball of belief in me, he has also trusted me countless times and stepped aside so I can continue to run and dribble my course.

Observe your surroundings. 

Observe the words that try and enter you. 

Observe time and space. 

Observe those with you and for you. 

Peace be with you.

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