Anne Salve Women

coastal road with view of sunset over the mountain

When They Talk About You

They talk about you. Let them. This comes with the territory of being worthwhile talking about. After all, no one really, truly knows who you are. Even those that say or think they do, your innermost feelings and thoughts are inexplicable to even you, at times. Yes. There are those who understand you. This is not the same as knowing YOU. 

From the time you began to ask questions about life to now where you are still quietly trying to understand life as you implicitly have picked up that adulthood is just a phase, not an arrival to all-knowing, the one who knows you best is you, no matter how far that is from the finish line. Still, you will have those who are the experts of who you are. These experts? They are definitely talking. About you? Only at their level of expertise. 

If they are, good or bad, true or false, congratulations. You or your life has been made worth of one’s time and energy where they have not only consumed their conversations about you, but have stopped their life for you as well.

If people are talking about you, in the words of Sheryl Crow “Let’s Give them Something to Talk About”, you might as well join in on the fun-entertain yourself with what is being said about you. No matter how much it hurts, realize that those in darkness only possess within them anything dark; those in the light will provide light. Whenever you face heavy opposition where there are those clearly making a point to bring you into some walk of shame, no matter how innocent you are and how ridiculously untrue the stories about you may be, you have two choices, walk into the room and fight with those in the dark or simply continue on in your lighted path to focus on the important demands of your own life and let the, what I call my “angels all around”, do the fighting for you. Here is what that could possibly look like depending on which path you choose:

Choice 1: Fighting those in the dark- you are stepping into their dim world where not many things are clear, people are immobile or walking slow due to paths difficult to see or find. Many are lost in such darkness. Interestingly enough, this is their comfort zone. You must understand that those in darkness try and lure you into their realm because of their inability to ever feel comfort in your light. They may have traveled the same block over and over having still found no clear direction. Unbearable light or either the fear to expose what they hide along them in the dark, they can only reach out to pull anyone in for company. There are those, also, desiring light, hoping that giving you a little of their darkness could be a bartering trade for some of your light, having no care that the exchange has no benefit to you. 

You go into that world where you fight those who are lost, those who have been walking the same block over and over, those whose minds have found no way out, you will take the chance of falling into darkness with them. When you fight with those who have nothing to lose, but everything to gain, they will rob you of whatever you can give them. You walk into their world and all they know how to do is strip you of your possessions, your heart, soul, and spirit.

Choice 2: Stay focused on your daily life and reaching your goals as you were may be the most difficult self-control to practice when trolls are swarming all around trying to lure you into their world while most always, any time or energy you use up- lost. Have you told a lie? Have you done the wrong or any? Have you been found guilty of any wrongdoing? If you’ve answered “no” to all of those, then why fight a battle you’ve already won? The truth shall prevail itself. There are good people around you. Most likely, those who understand trolls exist have a loathing for such kind. And one thing about righteous people who are aware of those trying to take down the good at all deceitful costs is that they will stand against the lies, deceit, and manipulation. They will be your voice and actions when they hear fabrications of your truth or see anyone attempting to do you wrong. The righteous don’t stand by foul play. They stand up against it. So, let the lies be revealed. The truth will indeed prevail.

The good will speak out for you. The good will stand up for you. This may take some time, but you shouldn’t wait around doing nothing with your life. You remain focused in your light and keep shining. By the time all the lies are revealed and you will have been redeemed, no time or energy was wasted on your behalf. You continued to grow and prosper while those in the dark exhausted themselves trying to pull you in, still lost, still going nowhere. You, on the other hand, have kept on, continuing to inspire all those who have stood by you and for you- stronger, better, and wiser from all that stood against you who tried to take you down. 

At the end of each day, when you find yourself alone with your own thoughts, facing your real life, remember that it’s really your life, your immediate circle alone, you need to tend to. Spend time caring about what others are saying or thinking and you’ll find yourself creating a life for them, not you. Those who want to see you fall have been infatuated with the hope to see that long time ago. And if you do stumble due to incoming traffic of whatever comes your way, so what. Get back up. Show those who have fallen and never got back up, that getting back up, no matter how hard the fall, can be done. Those who have fallen and are still down are only looking up to your moments in life anyway, whether they are your glory days or your worst day. Just keep in mind, you’re still moving. Your “moving” is their “movie”. So, create that story plot like no other.

Remember that stories with cliffhangers are those that have people gripping to their seat. Even if the next scene of your life was completely unexpected, make it work to your benefit. So what that it wasn’t what you had planned out for it to be. So what that you had to ad lib through a few scripts to make it out of a scene. It is the strength from within you that makes you, not those who are watching you. Realize that you would not be worthwhile of anyone’s time if your life was a straight line from start to finish. Roads are purposefully made curved to prevent accidents on hills and mountains. Enjoy your journey as people take note of how you handle the curves. The fact that others are invested in you- think about that. Invested in you means that others have paid a price to watch you. Now, what type of investment they hope to get out of you is their risk. That time and energy they have deposited into you is the fuel you need to keep driving forward. Enjoy the ride, but keep your eyes on the road. Seatbelt on. Drive safe. Watch out for animals crossing. 

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