Anne Salve Women

dreamy young woman with windy hair recreating on seashore against cloudy sky

Be a Wind-Catcher: Let the Force Be with You

I have many times referred to the formula, F = ma. I’m shamelessly an oddball in analogizing that of which I am trying to convey in my head. Know that life’s answers to success can truly start right within the three realms of Sir Isaac Newtons’s three laws of physics. 

When referencing Sir Isaac Newton’s second law of physics, F = ma, suggesting that “Force equals mass times acceleration”, mind you that I address this philosophically, referencing mainly that the force of something is equal to its mass times its acceleration. In other words, the amount of force depends on or counterintuitively, how fast something is moving.

Going back to the first law, however, in able for there to have any shift or movement, there must be a force acting upon the object. Hence, one can idle, but never really go anywhere without essentially a “push”. 

Finally, know that the third law adds when two forces act upon each other, essentially, well, they push against each other. Think gladiator games on this one with those pugilist sticks, each trying to push each other off the platform. How does this relate to people and success or lack of? It’s analogically easy, really. Still, let me explain. 

Opposition is necessary for movement. You’d be immobile without an act of force upon you. A ball will come rolling down due to gravitational pull. Even so, there had to have been some imbalance within the positioning of the ball to begin the motion of the rolling. This is where “sound” and “asleep” come together. The body is idling in peace when not moving. The only other time we wouldn’t be moving is, of course, without a pulse. The only difference between those who idle in life versus those deemed lifeless IS a pulse. Sadly, the former here has been considered “lifeless” synchronously with the latter.  Neither may not be by choice, but understanding that the provisional force to move is, whether one wants to admit it or not, from within for the former. The one without a pulse is simply, done (whether they were finished or not).

For those with a pulse who want more than just to be alive, but FEEL alive, consider being a wind-catcher. Bringing all of the laws of physics together, let me explain this one next to further understand lack or level of success.

Anyone who ever had to run against the velocity of strong wind knows the feeling of great opposition. To add that your hair is a mess and your face looks as if the wind is on the verge of pulling it off, mostly, the opposing force slows you down or knocks you off balance as it works against you. Now, relate this to your most challenging times in life. If there is a picture to have captured those times, your hair and face similarly looked as if it went through such a wind storm, maybe with some scratches and bruises to add. Hence, that wind, in this case, represents opposing forces against you, the mass of wind traveling at great velocity to try and slow you or take you down. But, think again. What if the masses of wind were with you? What if you were sailing in the direction of the wind? Then, Jedi Knight, the force is not just with you, but your new ally has just increased your force. You’ll not only get to your destination most likely, faster, but your force just got stronger and better, having accelerated you to greater distance or higher levels.

I have witnessed and thus, have arrived to believe that many who have slowed down or sadly, just stopped, is because they have long fought the forces of wind instead of making it work for them. Circumstantially, many things never arrive to their dreamed or envisioned destiny because of all the “forces” that stopped them from getting to ever arrive. There is blame to be found in such cases. Strong winds usually win, tearing up foundations or pulling off even the deep-rooted trees; this is why we border homes and take refuge when such “storms” are anticipated. And yet again, there only needed to be some outwitting involved to get a different and in turn, victorious outcome if we can allow ourselves to learn from the aftermath.

One who didn’t get the job could have been given a reason only to add the reasons from within as to why they didn’t. That promotion was given to someone else because you weren’t what they were looking for or that someone got ahead of you to get there. That life given to someone else could have been yours if things had just worked out your way. The storms keep coming, and somehow, the results don’t change.

Wind is plentiful. Inevitably, they are going to keep coming. Surfers don’t quit surfing, however, when a wind takes them down from the waves. They get back on their board, paddle, and wait to catch another wave with the right wind. I have watched those who fell quickly and those who rode as if they were floating on air once the waves and the air were in synchrony with the surfer. I have never sailed before, but I know from watching the Disney movie, Moana, that Maui taught her how one must know how to work with the wind. Following some struggles, Moana found the courage to strengthen her determination and focus. Some fears surely were evident, but Moana persevered, fighting one wind after another until she… arrived to her destiny.

Your destiny with everything is in the F = ma. The “mass” who get to their destination know how to work with the force to move in the same direction where acceleration goes in the same direction as well. 

Be a wind-catcher. Use the opposing force to work with you. Be one of the masses who get carried and thus, accelerated faster by working with what could have instead stopped you. Want that job? Find out what will hold you back from getting it and master whatever that is or at least learn that trade so that would be on your resume as an “experience“, not a deficit or lack. Want that promotion? Understand what would hold you back from getting it and be the role that would prove that opposition wrong so you are in line to be the right role. Want someone else’s life or lifestyle? Find out why you don’t have it and become that life or lifestyle you envision with grit and grind. 

For goodness sake, however, stop moping about the job, promotion, or life you didn’t get. Wait for the next wind to come by. Be ready for it. So when it arrives, you’ll know how to catch it, hold onto it, and allow it to take you to your destiny.

Understand F = ma is your formula to success. When you make the wind your friend, it will be your accelerator, not your fight. Plus, your hair and face will look a lot nicer.  

Master the enemy. Let the force be with you. Be a wind-catcher. Be Moana.

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