Ever look at something and see beyond what is in front of you? As if you get hints of what it shall become, most certain of your envisioning? And, yet, you learn to keep your silence because time has told you, perhaps no one will see it the way you do?
I used the word, labyrinth, to describe trees throughout the world to another in trying to explain my thoughts on weather change. I saw that they either understood me or that they felt to believe it was I who understood nothing.
Either way, I cannot deny my analogically-driven thoughts of how to explain how I see the world.
As I have heard myself express time and time again, As long as you understand you, sometimes, that’s all that needs to matter.
The world isn’t always ready to understand or believe your way of knowing or thinking.
You may be far from right in the end but for now, your right is your right. Right?
I could explain to you my thoughts on climate shift but in testing out a few in this world, I would rather that I let others speak their own contributions on that behalf. My thoughts are merely benign conjectures.
I understand for myself as I would think others to do the same.
I recall looking at my childhood city, Seattle, from the freeway, about two decades ago and verbally suggesting to my husband that they were starting to Hong Kong the look.
I suggested that in the privacy of our own car as I knew he would get me, seeing the once one to two-story buildings becoming more compacted, domestic, tall infrastructures, quite what I connect with pictures I’ve seen of Hong Kong.
Sometime after the pandemic, I have moved onto suggesting they are trying to New York Seattle as well, in fusion with still, the Hong Kong expansion. With the skyscrapers, graffiti, and changing while growing population, my husband would perhaps be the only one to get my analogy on this as well.
There are just some things you learn hardly anyone is ready to foresee or see now.
Change isn’t for everyone.
Thus, while change could be most certainly happening before one’s eyes, there are those who may very well verbalize on the imminent change but not really have any drive to reflect on the how and why of the matter.
Interestingly, I learn by observing others that not many take preventative measures toward unwanted change.
The emotional (non?)investment takes over. No plan of action. No solution. Purely or somewhat just aimless talks.
Fair enough to say, it is not necessarily because people just accept change; it can just be that the reaction to act upon the unwanted circumstance arrives at the moment or soon after of discomfort.
Like the climate, people will shift upon seeing changes around, now seeing the possible effect such impact could create or has already started upon one’s turf or territory.
No one but one may think to suggest that a simple string could lead one back out in case one is to be lost within the walls.
It takes one to plan ahead even if what may be ahead is not so clear.
When moving forward, even whilst knowing to have stepped into something ominous, we may still move forward with no thoughts or plans of retreat or cover for safety.
I should ask for all, “Why leniency at first?”
Perhaps we are always hoping that in our trust within every step forward, nothing will oppose us to push back.
And, yet, physics would suggest where there is action, there is a reaction; equally, to add, under Newton’s third law.
Yin and yang. Yes?
Hence, why do we think no opposition should occur with every push forward?
If to choose innocence as bliss, at what point will reality hurt that there is a predator which lurks for every prey?
That kindness taken for weakness becoming real at one’s mental doorstep, looking right into the mind, probably stating, “I tried to tell you.”
I attest to this very truth whispered to me almost daily. You let one person go to the bathroom, another raises their hand to take chance of being the next. That hand raised has now empowered yet a third and fourth one to raise theirs.
You breathe and let go. With some things, you just have to accept your kindness is indeed weakness. No doubt.
It is the chance of consequence you gamble on.
If you can foresee the consequence and live with it, why not write that pass out of class? (With the reminder of no “field trips” or “getting lost” and a “Thank You”for returning directly back planted in each conscience stepping out.)
Your mind is your own fortress of thoughts, talking to you all day of what you see ahead and still, you hold the power to listen or ignore. Even more, when spoken, your thoughts very well are ignored by the many around who just don’t see like you.
Anticipating a counter only promotes a thought beyond.
I recall telling a relative that a country could turn on ours.
I recall this relative adamantly claiming that there would be no way this country would turn as they have always been on our side.
A decade later, such claim is nothing I have to remind, “What did I tell you?”
There are just things you watch and think, “Yep.”
I am a believer that whatever has been convinced in the mind is already in the making of taking place.
That energy got planted like a seed growing from a bird’s dropping. Such energy must be released and prolifically set free.
Not all energy is good, as we must know.
This, I cannot fear but must accept.
Thankfully, choice to do good and be good is a given power.
There is so much greatness to be conjured yet alone conquests to be conquered.
Each of us.
And, yet, I think back to Einstein whose message was far too late or at first, ignored, when suggesting what is in the race to be built could be beyond us.
You can think all you want but begin saying too much, your clearance to what you mainly took part in creating will be what leads your further participation to be revoked.
The mind is a powerful component, limitless access to known possibilities, limited further by fear, time, and self belief.
Limited even further by knowing silence is the strongest inkling that sometimes makes best sense.
I read (somewhere) that virologists pretty much confine themselves to a room, chasing to catch up with the next surfaced virus, hoping to determine its antidote before another one must be chased.
If I channeled myself to such passion, I imagine talking to the very enemy while studying how to beat it the way I talk to my own purposes being spoken to me while another voice tries to cast fear that I should be the one, enough to succeed the requirements.
How interesting to work with things that can take your own life away and yet be the very reason why you are left alone to prevent the danger from reaching the rest of the world.
What silences have one had to endure at such a level of needed secrecy to avoid divulging of truth that no other perhaps could handle or want to accept?
To this day, I still wonder how the person who was leading into understanding the scope of Ebola was reported to have met his fatal demise by the very virus he supposedly knew better than anyone else.
In visiting a cave of fruit bats in the Bahamas, while talking to our guide, I had to ask if the Ebola virus really did come from a fruit bat as had been reported.
He had a surprised look on his face. What an interesting moment of words unspoken having ended with a respectable smile.
In a game of chess, there are those who study moves ahead. Then, there are those who instinctivelyknow moves ahead.
Could we ever arrive to a preventive forethought to avoid destroying one another or being destroyed?
Either way, does not anyone think that both leave to self-destruction?
The one who commits crime to victimize another can be forgiven, perhaps. The one who commits crime to victimize you or your loved one, perhaps harder to forgive or not at all?
Who could blame you for your decision to feel the need for vengeance?
And, yet, what if victims could be replayed a part in life where they could have made a different turn, a different decision, a different mindset that would have prevented the very unfortunate predicament they presently then face? Is not the now victim at fault for being in that position?
How beautiful to suggest to all to do good and be good at all times. Yes?
It would not be the many to agree to follow through, the world would be concerned with, however. Yes?
It would be the ones to remain quiet and not concede to such simple promise for peace and unity.
The moment we come to terms that the kind will be at times, taken as weak, and the wrong will sometimes prevail, hard reality will be faced in greatest pain and hardship. Yes? And, yet, how has this not been a cyclical truth?
Could we not gather together, understand there is desire or drive by the collective- power, wealth, and love?
Or, is peace and unity just not what we all agree upon because even if all suggested so, no one could be trusted to actually mean it?
Allies or all lies?
Did not a king have to have a cupbearer to take the first drink before the king placed their lips upon the cup?
Have not we taught the world this type of fear?
How much more have we imposed such distrust of one another to where now, when we see one doing act of kindness, a simple gesture as to hold the door open for you or bid you a “Good morning”, one positions their thought to believe there are arterial motives to follow beyond such gestures?
What if I told you that we will never acquire peace and unity so as long as there are those who are in our circle who cannot work for such but instead, validate their very existence with turmoil, division, and perpetual destruction for those around?
Truth is not trouble. Truth is simply reality. See it for yourself in the manner that helps you to prepare the next move.
The one who rocks the cradle is the one who rules the world.
Let’s just be careful not to rock CRIBS too hard.
There are those who quietly wait to take on the W.