Anne Salve Women


YouTube Video on How to Make Becoming a Homeowner a Reality #AnneSalveWomen​ #FrancesTanielu​ #goals

With the rapid growth of technology benefiting global connections throughout the world through various sources of media so, too, like yin and yang, have the vast number and array of haters proliferated in between the cracks of media outlet as successes continue to duplicate and multiply.

We have perhaps uttered or heard that saying, “Haters are going to hate”, but if we were to deep-root such word, “haters”, after about two decades of using this term loosely, it’s now that time we get sophisticated with the word itself. We owe it to our haters to understand them. After all, to know thyself is to know one’s enemy, right? So, let’s categorically break down the haters: the the dark, the empty, and the unfulfilled.

The dark. If you’ve ever been around someone who just doesn’t seem to have anything positive to say about the world or people and you find yourself thinking, ‘This person seems very dark’ or ‘This one is in a very dark place’, you’ve found a real-life definition of “the dark”. You don’t have to do anything to make this person dislike you. In fact, they may not even know you directly at all. Any light you illuminate is an unbearable punishment for them. Like the mythical Dracul or zombies, empowered by darkness, their skin burns at the exposure to light. Hence, they detest anything giving off such brightness. Let your light shine their way and this type will do anything to break the bulb or blow out the fire.

The empty. Do you ever get full and start sharing your portion just so it doesn’t go to waste? Well, “the empty” would be the opposite. These types are scrounging for any rations they can get their hands on. They’ve long lost every consciousness of what it’s like to have something, anything. Hence, the empty, like a hungry beast, will want to devour all that you’ve got. They foam in the mouth to not just take, but ravage. Their stomachs churn at the sight of whatever you possess because when you are the empty, everyone else looks mighty full. So, it’s them against the world and shame on those not sharing their plate. They detest you for your seemingly lack of suffering. Even in your talks of sacrifice, they are not moved. The only way you could ever understand what it’s really like to suffer is if you lost it all. While the dark just don’t want you to be illuminating in light, these just won’t be satisfied until you too, are the empty.

The unfulfilled. While these types could be the least innocuous of the three, be weary of “the unfulfilled” that exist around your realm or circle. If you’ve ever received someone else’s position or desired promotion, that one who got denied fits this category. While the unfulfilled may celebrate with you at first, as you continue to gain more recognition and acknowledgments, you serve as a reminder of what or where they are not. So, as you gloat, they intrinsically desire to surpass you- their envisioned moment of satisfaction. “Just let me get ahead just once,” the unfulfilled thinks. Finally, not to your intentions or doing, any added victories or celebrations of yours become sickening to their tired eyes and acquired feelings of hopelessness. As you keep getting ahead, the unfulfilled begin to feel even more left behind. They come to a point in life where they feel they just simply cannot get ahead of you or even close. Now, they just wait and they watch for you to fall. The only chance left for them to feel somewhat… fulfilled.

Frances Tanielu is not a hater. In fact, in the video on How a Female, Minority, Single Mom Became a Homeowner, she is quite opposite. A loving daughter, single-mother, and hard-worker, she rose to becoming a homeowner, pushing aside any obstacles of not just being a single mom, but being a female minority to add.

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