Anne Salve Women

7 Things To Let Go

YouTube Video: Relax. Breathe. Let Go. RBL.

In no particular order, here are 7 things you need to let go of so you can move on BETTER, STRONGER, and more FOCUSED on what’s ahead.


So that happened and it hurt you, crushed you, and almost buried you. But like a seed, you pushed through the dirt towards the sun and no longer are you that hard-covered casket of a shell. You were made to rise. Keep your eyes toward the sun and let the shadows fall behind you. No plant has been known to go back to its original shell.


We do not stress about the lights turning green, yellow, or red. We simply know when to go, slow down (or speed up), or stop. These lights were created so we could trust that when it is our turn to go, no one should try and stop us. Better yet, if you take too long to go, someone behind you will nudge you to move forward. Focus on your lane, your driving, your destination. Those who are heading somewhere are not worried about you, Boo. Don’t let those with no destination hold you back from going to where you need to go. You can’t control other people’s driving, but you sure can control yours.   


There is a difference between letting someone go and someone letting you go. One put you above the other while the other perhaps gave you a subliminal message they were above you. In this world, tell yourself that no one is above you or below you. This is a saying my husband says that I truly take to heart and the more mature I become, the more I understand its meaning. When someone steps out of your life, it is simply because the future is making room for something new. So, get ready for the redecoration.


You are no longer a child. You don’t always have to believe what everyone tells you. Every action requires time and energy. And for every action, there is a reaction. (This is Sir Isaac Newton’s third law in physics, people.) Rather than wasting away valuable, precious moments in life, stick to what you know to be true. Something will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. (This is the first law of motion, people.) What you get out of something is what you put in. (Essentially, F=ma; second law of motion, people.) When all those yet to be proven come to be true, just know you were moving forward and not still that entire time. Even then, Sir Isaac Newton would suggest we are still using up energy. Preserve your energy.


If you are older than your children, but wish to go back to school, then do just that. If you didn’t start that business you should have ten years ago, start it today. If you gained weight instead of heading to the gym to lose it, get in that gym already. So what that you lost time. Rather than lay in bed, sulking under the covers or looking out the window letting more time pass by, get up and get going. You are smarter and wiser than you were years before. Time lost is an ongoing deficit. You just have to cut your losses and move forward in this case.  


Preparedness should not be in parallel to fearfulness. Anything can happen. Tell yourself this. Fear feeds failure. Wandering for forty years in the wilderness too afraid to enter the other side could only lead to one thing, those that were promised to you will be given to someone else who was willing to face the unknown and take chances you weren’t willing to take or too worried to even find out about. Tell yourself that the “what ifs” are always waiting ahead. Those who cross the line get to the other side.


Betrayal and hurt. Advancements versus your demotions or standstills. You doing right gets little or no acknowledgment while someone does all the wrong gets a pardon or worse, recognition and praise. People are examples of what to be or what not to be. At the end of the day, you still have the power to choose. Choose your worth, your value. One drop of darkness can never overcome one drop of light.

At the end of each day, there is one thing you should never let go. YOU. Priceless, irreplaceable YOU.

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