Anne Salve Women

a person holding a golf ball

Perception Within the Eyes of Whose

Do situations actually create our perceptions? Are not our perceptions preconceived? In times of difficulty, shall we announce such as so for all eyes to see and ears to hear? Have we not already understood many will be drawn to see and hear moments of such difficulty?

What if we actually come to realize we declare each given moment of challenge to overcome? How could that change our humanistic makeup of how the world evolves?

Do not people risk their lives for what others may deem as insanely perilous? If, then, a challenge should come forth or arise we didn’t ask for, should we cower because of the fear to partake?

Have we forgotten that our mere choices can lead to wanted or unwanted predicaments irregardless of the fun and enjoyment we first intended or hoped to gain? Whether instantaneously ramified or slowly to develop into a climactic event, maybe even years to follow, could we inadvertently have sown what we reap?

Is the mere difference between a challenge we ask for versus one we are given only different in how we perceive the predicament we find ourselves in?

Is it not just level of preparation in heart, mind, body, and spirit that can either lead us to excitement or fright? Sometimes, just sometimes, do we risk to find ourselves in a situation where our actions actually led us to, but in no way did we consciously ask or hope to face?

A student of mine who finds great joy in playing the sport of golf recently told me if a golf ball swung should hit a window, the next plan to follow would be to run as they have no insurance. Selah. 

Are we essentially in a quantum realm of understanding that perception is choice within our realities?

Tough times, no matter the era, exists. Yes? While there are natural disasters that lead us to have to face undesirable struggles and unwanted defeats, there are catastrophes in life, however, that leads back to our reactions, not pro actions. As much as we’d like to just say that things are just meant to happen, was the inevitable truly so?

Like the climate shift, have not behaviors in certain communities just shifted depending on the make-up of the demographics? Were there not choices always on how to be?

To point out, in parts where there drops more rain than such areas prepared ever to endure, surely surprises take part as a reaction. Are broken levees which lead us to the request for emergency relief truly happenstance? Were not levees made for communities to anticipate risk of overflow? 

The small earthquakes that may take place in certain towns- is this something we are surprised by or does the fracking for oil or natural gas have quietly to do with these tremors?

The forest fires that have taken many fighters and volunteers to risk or lose their lives to control or extinguish- had we just not ignored all the layers of dried leaves to create its bedding within their natural surroundings for spontaneous combustion to ignite?

The mudslides that have taken down beautifully developed homes- were they securely built on solid ground above cliffs overlooking amazing panoramic views of the city? Was there known risks taken to receive such scenery?

Do we not just humanly hope amidst hopelessness? Is there not push for stability as we witness destabilization? Are we not working toward strengthening as we feel those around us weakening?

The universal law of gravitation, Sir Isaac Newton to receive merit for pointing out that understanding, would state what goes up must come down.

Have we not found ways to defy this theory? 

As we interact with gravitational pulling, are we not also manipulating cycles to control, suggesting what is to be anticipated would possibly err to follow?

The water cycle, seasons, night and day, the plant cycle, the human cycle… Heck. The bi-cycle. Up and down, round and round- do we shush or look away from our accountability that we have tampered with outcomes of such phenomena?

Are things truly worsening, in other words, or if to look back, have we just generationally ridden an ongoing roller coaster that seems to have its highs, lows, and loops, new developing themes to witness amongst the ongoing ride of our doing?

Are we not essentially just updating and  (hopefully) upgrading material so as to not tire of the ride? Is not the ride still a roller coaster?

In our preservation for easiness, have there not been those who altered the route along the way to toil with the possibility to change an outcome. To think, have there not already been those who have made such acts and actually have preserved?

Cronyism, nepotism, gentrification, social points, affirmative action, social welfare, financial aide, scholarships, grants, et cetera, et cetera. The Law of Gravitation or natural cycles hold no influence on these very much humanly made matters. And yet, analogically, the ups and downs and endless cycles continue. 

Do they not? 

How does our personal perception change per altered routes? Why?

Does not our perception depend on the location of self in distance of or within the circle? Does not being outside of any circle lead to dawn on the question as to the necessary existence of certain developments?

Are we acting or merely pretending to not be aware of our own truths? Are we then suggesting that our children are to have no truths of their own within generations to follow? Should our children then be prepared to use similar fallback when it is their turn to ride through “themes”? 

Or, or, or… could we indeed go back to the Law of Gravitation and natural cycles to suggest that just maybe, while things may seemingly be getting worse, nothing actually is new, just different in time? 

Social media may now exist, but were our own actions flawless prior to its worldwide broadcasting of behaviors? Did we never lead, partake, follow, or support for divide or destruction?

There are indeed the inevitable to coexist with what can be controlled. Ultimately, is it not still our mindset to know and decide how to face, deal, and perceive each whether uncontrollable circumstance or to our doing? Have we not been aware of this already? 

Do we live in fear of what can be or cannot be controlled? When we report or broadcast such fears, are we actually fearing in truth, however? Are there not companies that thrive in good times while there are those that thrive even more in worst of times? Are there not those who have helped many towns and people following their successes at the same time we seek justice for those who have been wronged or taken for granted?

So, is fear only on the side of those who have lost? Or, is fear within those who see themselves with the possibility of losing as well?

Are we to see ourself so foolish that we seemingly allow the inevitable to occur and take place for us to all of a sudden react with a multitude of undesired emotions? Are we not seemingly proactive in sowing good until Pleasantville shall come to be when we reap our harvest?

Are we truly incorrigible fools or when we can, still, choose to dance and play like a child? And if we reap for goodness under the spirit of a child, shall there be wrong in laughing and rejoicing as we work toward the betterment we envision?

Levees indeed break due to immense power of water in mass, but should we beat ourselves down for the moment we realize our preparedness was underestimated or not enough?

With fracking to cause tremors to humanly made earthquakes, until we finalize another option, is preserving our own energy rather than being at the mercy of our neighbors to provide us such a wrong intention?

The bedding created from all the leaves in forests, is there not beauty to be seen with forest floors beautifully covered in them? 

Those mudslides taking down homes- were there not days if not years of splendor to embrace upon nature’s beauty to gaze upon a hill?

Reflectively seeing the world, are we each not just trying to hold on while trying to enjoy the ride at the same time? And if flooding, earthquakes, fires, and mudslides should occur, knowing surely there will be losses, hurt, and pain, has not the ride continued to exist? Have we not continued to rebuild amidst destruction?

Some of us would never dare to play golf by homes with glass windows. Some of us would steer far from nearby homes altogether. Some of us would dare not play golf at all. And then, there are some of us, like my student who knows there is a great chance one day a window very well might be hit (as confession to me have it said one crawled onto a balcony most recently), who continues to look forward to the next beautiful day to swing that club across a green pasture. 

I pray my student never breaks a window in the same mindset that one who puts their lives in the hands of a roller coaster would hope to never derail.

Fear or not, directly or inadvertently, we practice the very word George Michael sung into our ears, Faith. You gotta have faith. 

Do we all practice faith the same? Seemingly not. Is faith without risk, fear, hurt, or pain? Indiscriminately not. 

Some of us childishly throw, hit, or swing balls by windows like a child. Some of us will run if we ever break a window. Some of us insure ourselves in case we should ever break one. Some of us stopped playing like a child for good (knowing how much windows have cost us to replace). 

Our good hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits practice faith- that which is not seen, but hoped for. And then, there is that strong faith- seeing is believing. 

Ride a roller coaster up, down, and around a loop. Throw, hit, or swing at a ball. Insured or not insured, dare we not ensure that floods, earthquakes, fires, and mudslides are to happen?

Broken windows, too. 

Ride, play, or hide away, we all are given power to see. 

Dare see what to believe. Perceive. 

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