Anne Salve Women

The Circle of Self

In my teens, love was my shelter. In my twenties, I wanted to have a belonging in the world of “love”. In my thirties, I got lost in love, not realizing that darkness and hate began to creep dominion, planting space into my world, silently draining my heart, soul, and spirit, ill-prepared of their powers to take over my perspectives of life. In my forties, I am embracing internal peace as I go through the purging of self truth and awareness, that to discover pure love, you must accept circumstance of life, that the journey of life is truly the pursuit of love and loving oneself. And as I travail, I accept the in-betweens, the rivers, deserts, and the mountaintops of joy and pain. Here is where I share my journey with all women in this circle- that pursuit to keep going as the circle emboldens to be the deeper and bolder becoming of me, making a mark for all the young women just starting off in their own circle. Let the pathway to the power of love and perspective begin, one woman at a time.

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